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If you told me I'd be out back of a cute little house out in the desert watching a bunch of attractive guys and my roommate playing drinking games while I stir my drink aimlessly, still covered in the tee shirt and shorts over a tiny bikini, I would probably laugh in your face and call you insane. But here I am, doing exactly that. It's funny how things work.

"Fuck yes Trevor!" Cam cheered as Trevor sunk the last pong ball in, winning the game for them against Jaime and Ruby. "Time for You losers to make some shots" Ruby and Jaime both trudged inside in defeat while Trevor and Cam laughed and celebrated their win. My eyes widened as I saw Trevor excuse himself from the long table across the yard before jogging over to where I sat, probably getting horrendous tan lines. At some point I'm gonna have to man up and take off these clothes and get a proper tan.

Trevor plopped down on the lounge chair I laid on, squeezing himself to lay beside me, basically on top of me. I couldn't fight the blush that painted my cheeks at the feeling of his skin on the bare skin of my arm. "How did I do?" He grinned cockily, knowing that he did just fine since he got the game winner and also carried for majority of the game.

"Could've been better" I teased lightly while smiling down at my drink, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs until this stupid blush goes away. Trevor hummed sarcastically and adjusted a bit more in the lounge chair, deciding to grab my hips and scoot me over. He wasn't helping my bashfulness currently.

"You think they're gonna make a good shot or something gross?" Trevor wondered aloud, one of his hands casually messing the denim belt loop of my shorts. I could feel his eyes on my body like lasers, it made my skin feel hot.

"Knowing Ruby as a sore loser, she will want to poison us all" I giggled while Trevor snorted in agreement.

"Jimmy won't allow that, I think they will balance each other out and it'll be a decent shot" Trevor predicted. My eyes shot open wide as he slipped his hand into my front pocket, cupping my hip bone and pulling me flush against him. I felt him lean closer, resting his head on my shoulder, his breath fanning across my jaw. "Why won't You look at me, Alabama? Do I make you nervous?" He teased quietly.

I gulped and felt myself watching to make sure no one could see us right now while also wanting the world to disappear so it would be just me and him in it in this moment. I bit down on my bottom lip and shook my head no, clearly lying. He laughed quietly in my ear and used his free hand to turn my head towards him, making me face to face with him. I mean face to face. Our noses were touching and I was scared if I blinked my eyelashes would touch his forehead. Fuck. "Why are you acting so shy then?" He whispered.

"I-I'm not" I stuttered out nervously. What an idiot. Obviously I'm fucking shy, no point in lying like how much more embarrassing can I be? "Just hot" I lied again. What would being hot have to do with my weird behavior? I wanted to facepalm in embarrassment.

"Yeah? Then why don't we take this extra layer off" he suggested, his eyes darting down towards the clothes covering my bikini. "I'll help" he smirked, pulling his hand from my pocket to unbutton the shorts and drag the zipper down before returning his hand back to my hip.

A small gasp left my lips at his actions. My stomach doing all sorts of somersaults at his intimate action, my brain trying to handle all the different emotions and feelings running through my body from my head to my feet. His hand slithered up my hip, gently pushing the tee shirt up my stomach to reveal some of my skin. "Now your about half way there" he smirked.

There was no way any words would be able to get out as they were caught in my throat. I wanted to rip these stupid clothes off and have him tell me he thought I looked good. I wanted to hear him praising my body and giving me words of affirmation that he found me attractive but I was frozen in place. He was so hot. One of the most confident and attractive men I've ever even been in the same room with and something about that both terrified and excited me.

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