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November '98 | H I M

Devyn Wood has learned the fine art of dodging those she doesn't feel like being around.

Ever since the end of classes before lunch today, she has been swallowed by the castle. Draco can't find her anywhere.

That means she hasn't been there to be picked up by him at seven in their dorm, which he takes personal offence to.

Just kidding. He expected it, but it still bugs him. The Enchanted Dance is in full roll, soft, classic music playing from harps, violins and piano.

The Great Hall is a walk into some enchanted idyll. A cross between some woodland and a charming, warm, glittery yet mysterious place. The ceiling appears to be the bottom of a willow's crown, it's long, leafy branches gently hanging down but still being well over anyone's head.

Literal glitter is snowing down yet leaves no evidence behind. The punch is golden. Small cakes are displayed on high etageres.

The first Dance has already happened and Draco had to shake off greedy girls that came alone and wanted a dance because to others, it too seems he is attending alone.

Devyn must have been in the crowd somewhere, right? She wouldn't miss a party she planned herself.

Well, Draco is scanning the crowd like some detective on search for a wanted criminal and he comes up empty.

Maybe he should just leave it.

She wants nothing from him. She'd been clear as day on that case since day one.

She is over you, man.

She has someone new.

She is doing well without you. Just how you wanted. How you knew.

Leave it already.

"Tell you what," his friend's voice approaches from his left. "I'll give you one chance to show off your fine dancing skills. One dance and that's all. Can't have you sulk the whole evening."

Draco gives him a look. Theo knows damn well why is sulk-okay, he's not sulking. "I'll pass on that one."

"You don't want to dance with me?" He makes an impression of someone being greatly offended. "I can charm a dress real quick, and we had the same dance teacher so you know I'm good."

The image sends a smile on Draco's face. Theo in a dress. He'd rock that any day, has no shame as far as the eye can see. Today, he is clad in a soft pink suit that many guys would shy away from but it looks awfully flattering on Theo.

"Miss Juneberry," Draco reminisces. "Didn't you try to charm her up?"

Theo grins broad and proud. "I always had my way with the ladies."

"She made you stay two hours longer for the audacity," Draco deadpans.

"That only meant more time coming face to face with her tits." His hazel eyes shine like he is envisioning it right now. "I was in heaven, mate."

Draco chuckles, remembering the good old times as innocent kids, fooling around without a care in the world. There were no lady problems then. Just poor jokes, ice cream and bruises from pushing each other off the broom for shits and giggles.

"So you're with Pavarti," Draco mentions offhandedly. The two haven't been touching other than for the first dance, have hardly spoken with each other other than some mild bickering, but it's clear they are each other's date.

"Glad to know you have eyes."

"You're complimenting each other." With his soft pink suit, she is wearing a jade green dress. It might be a far reach but it almost seems they are wearing each other's hous colors.

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