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November '98 | H I M

Blaise has been released from Pomfrey's strict supervision after two weeks. Draco and Theo have been politely ordered to transfer their friend to his dorm room where he has some extra bedrest added.

Oh, their friend isn't fond of it.

But on the bright side, he seems to be walking much better and has gained some color to himself. Pomfrey's recovery schedule is coming to fruition.

With the constant pain gone, his spirits are up a few levels as well. He only snaps at people half as much.

Though one major reason for his sour mood is him staying kicked off the Quidditch team despite being on a good way. Smith is jumping in after a little tryout between him and Emrys Malone.

Daphne is his prime victim today. First it was the flowers that cover every surface area in their room, though he only sneered at them. But when she helps put his legs on the bed and put a pillow under the still recovering one, he loses it.

"I'm not disabled. If I could do it with my leg torn open, I sure can do it with it closed."

"Chill, man," Draco frowns. Another blowout is underway.

"I'm just trying to help," Daphne says, tucking her hands away as if he scratched her.

"I never said I wanted your help," he spits harshly at her. "You only care because I'm next on your list. Because we share this stupid room and apparently I'm supposed to marry you at the end of the year. But I won't give you what you crave. No way in fucking hell will I give you that."

"I care because you are my friend," Daphne replies tearfully, though not backing down that easily. "You are my friend, Blaise."

"You are getting your hopes up," he accuses, gesturing around them to the flowers. "Think you can save me like all the other ass faces that treated you like crap. But I'll be upfront. I don't give a single damn about you. Time to get it into your pretty, delusional head."

Delusional of him to assume she'd be romantically interested in him. Not with this attitude anyway. All Daphne has done so far is be a good, supportive friend like the rest of them.

Wiping a rogue tear, the words must have made their cut because Daphne is walking out of the room without a backwards glance.

Pansy has steam coming out of her ears, her arms tightly wound across her chest as if trying to strangle air. Like a python.

"Really?! Your solution to everything now is biting everyone who comes in reach? Well, guess what ass face," she sneers. "Time to take in what you dish out. I don't want you. I never wanted you like that, and I'm sorry if I have led you on in any way, I truly am, but it's time to get over it." For the last line, she gets into his face, seething, "You'll never hold claim over me."

A crack just verberated in the silence and it was Blaise's heart.

Without another backwards glance, Pansy too leaves the room. Blaise is taking deep breaths through his nose, glaring at the open door.

"Blaise, man—" Theo starts, but Blaise cuts him off, beyond himself.


Theo and Draco share an uncertain look.

"I said get out!"

Resigned, both start for the door, not stopping until they close it behind themselves.

Theo scrubs an anxious hand through his locks. "Let's hope the sessions with Sparks will help him."

"Yeah, hope is what we need right now," Draco sighs.

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