Chapter III

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There are hands on Julius from the moment he steps on the train

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There are hands on Julius from the moment he steps on the train. First, it's peacekeepers guiding him inside, then it's Roman who welcomes him with a slap on the shoulder, and then it's Septimus wrapping around him in something that resembles a hug, probably. They're all so chipper at the reunion that Cato and Clove are almost forgotten, shoved into the train compartment like an afterthought.

"Oh, yes, yes, our tributes!" Septimus chirps after he releases Julius from his hold. "Our darling tributes. Come, be welcome!" Both of the kids look like they've already won, grinning like a pair of cats as they sit themselves down on the nice cushioned seats. The train itself hardly wobbles as it sets into motion.

Julius has already disappeared into the dining compartment when the attention finally turns onto the tributes. He digs around the cabinets some, but doesn't find anything that he can't provide for himself. That had been his favorite part, back then. When he got onto the train he was offered chocolates and coffee and the kind of rich flavors that even the wealth of District 2 could not offer. It was the kind of luxury he could get lost in, and imagined he could get used to. Turns out, even luxury gets boring after a while.

Finally, he pulls out a bottle of nice aged whiskey that will go underappreciated as he takes a big swig right from the bottle. It feels unpleasant and painful but it warms his stomach and eventually makes reality a little blurry around the edges. It's a trick he learned from the mentor of District 12.

"Kid." Roman stands at the far end of the train compartment, hands lazily stuffed in his pockets and expression betraying nothing. This is what passes for concern, when it comes to Roman. "We're going to watch the other reapings. You coming?"

Julius follows after Roman, leaving the bottle behind.

He settles on a suede blue couch next to Septimus, who is already delightedly clapping his hands and leans into Julius with a grin when the boy settles. "I do so love reaping days," Septimus says carelessly, eyes focussed on the screen. "It's never boring, huh?"

That's one way to describe it. On screen, Julius watches the reaping for District 1. A beautiful blonde girl steps onto the stage to grand applause from the audience. Her name is Glimmer. Julius thinks he might have heard of her father before. She's gorgeous in an intimidating way, but the muscles in her arms betray just how strong she undoubtedly is. She's playing a clear angle, and that makes her all the more dangerous. The boy next to her appears to be not nearly as strong, physically, but he has a look in his eye that Julius dislikes.

"You want to ally with those two?" Roman asks out loud. He's looking at Cato and Clove, but Julius knows it's meant for him. He looks at the duo—beautiful, excited, bloodthirsty—and considers it for a moment.

"They seem strong."

"Sure." They seem unhinged, is what Roman wants to say. Julius can see it in his eyes. But all career districts are unhinged, so it's a useless argument. Julius nods regardless.

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