Camp Jupiter

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The framer had been found.

It only took a month.

And I couldn't be more disappointed or more betrayed.

We'd cut the guy off in an alley, and I have to say, I thought he would have been smarter than to fall for that. But he actually wanted me to find him. My father wanted to meet with me.

And in order to meet with me, he had decided, "hey, why not go send her old instructor to frame her and make her a wanted criminal, so she'll have no choice but to come?"

Safe to say Agwe's face met the inside of a dumpster.

And before I could even process what my father had done, a Hydra showed up out of nowhere. Safe to say I met the hard side of a dumpster, and Nico came out barely injured, not meeting a dumpster, which was completely unfair.

But even after he killed it, it just kind of rippled, like it was made of dust or something and was re-piecing itself together.

So, I caved in and went to a meeting with my father, and Nico went to talk to his father about the monster. It was safe to say it was a very loud meeting.

My father started yelling demands and I tried to fight his orders, but before I knew it, I was in California, on my way to Camp Jupiter to be an Ambassador of Neptune.

That meeting went well.

"Hey, is this the entrance to Camp Jupiter?"

A guy with short blonde hair and electric blue eyes stood wearing a Roman helmet. The guy next to him had black hair cut like an arrow, and a baby face while his body was packed with muscles.

"Who are you?" The blonde guy eventually asked.

"River," I told him. "Ambassador of Neptune."

The two glanced at each other before leading me through the subway tunnel door and into a huge field. Ahead was a lake and past that buildings that were too far away for me to recognize. We were walking in silence for a while, and I took everything in.

Finally, the blonde guy started talking. "I'm Jason Grace, Praetor of Camp Jupiter."

"The Praetors guard Camp? I thought they ruled more and guards...well...guard."

He shrugged. "I like spending time doing simpler things. It makes me seem more like everyone else and not just a Praetor."

I nodded. "Who's your godly parent?"


The rest of the walk was quiet. Campers looked at us and whispered, others tried to pretend that they weren't looking at us but failed. But when Jason told them to go back to their activities, they obeyed.

"Reyna," Jason called.

A girl with braided chocolate brown hair looked over at us, her dark eyes cold and stern. She looked first at Jason, a content smile on her lips, before turning into a sharp frown as she flicked her cold eyes upon me.

"This is River," he said. "Ambassador of Neptune."

Reyna's dark eyes flicked over me, scanning me, trying to figure me out. She seemed calculated and smart, and I knew immediately I wouldn't want her as an enemy.

A/N: Hiiiiiii I know that was kinda a sudden ending, but I didn't know what else to do, my goal was just to get River to Camp Jupiter, so.... yeah. I'll release this chapter earlier than planned for y'all since it's shorter than normal.

Thanks all of you guys who are reading, voting, and commenting, it means so much to me!

And AHHHHHHHHHHHH 600+ reads y'all are awesome I love you sooooo much thank you!!!! I never thought I'd come this far in just a few months.....

And just a thanks to @Half_Blood_Community for adding Tidalwave to Honorary Fanfiction for the Week and Capture the Fanfic. You guys are amazing.

Anyways, thanks so much for reading, have a great day & be safe!

- Anne 

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