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*The Sea of Monsters* 

10 yrs.  

It all started pretty normal.  Percy and I were on our last day of school, and Percy was super excited to be going to Camp Half-Blood.  But then he had a dream about Grover (the goat) being in trouble, and mom admitted that the camp had cautioned her against sending Percy.  

Part of me was sad and upset for Percy, since he might not be able to go to camp and that Grover might be in danger.  But a traitorous, selfish part of me was happy that I might get my brother for the summer.  

After we finished breakfast, which were blue waffles and blue eggs, Percy and I went off to school.  We went to different schools, but Percy would walk with me, since I was little and too scared to go alone.  

Once we got to school, I hugged him goodbye, having to force myself to let go.  Just when he was about to leave, I said,  "Percy?"  

He turned to look at me.  "Yeah, Squirt?"  

My eyes burned.  "I-Is it selfish th-that part of me doesn't want you t-to go?"  

He knelt next to me.  "Nah.  I wouldn't want you to leave either.  But hey, you and mom are gonna have so much fun together.  Besides, I might not even be able to go to camp."  He paused for a second before wiping away a stray tear from my cheek.  "Come on, you don't wanna cry at school."  

I tried to return his smile and hugged him again before running up the steps and into the school.  But before I went in, I turned to look at Percy, having a feeling that I wouldn't see him again after school.  

He waved at me and walked away.  I sighed and continued to school.  It was long and not much happened.  At least until recess.  I'd run into monsters before and barely survived.  Most of the time I'd just say it was a bully at school, but I think my mom knew it was more than that.  

It was better to have them at school than at home, though.  

A griffin came flying at me in the playground.  Everyone screamed and ran for cover.  Whatever they saw must've been pretty bad, I wondered if it was worse that the eagle-lion creature that was dive-bombing at me.  

I jumped the fence and ran down the streets, barely avoiding cars that swerved by.  The griffin flew overhead, snatching at me with its beak and talons.  One talon snagged at my shoulder, and I screamed but didn't dare stop.  

My strategy for things like this is to just run for the water.  The water can heal me.  I can wait the monster out in the water.  Unless they can also breathe underwater.  Then I'm screwed.  But hey, it's worked so far.  

So, I dove into the water and stayed under.  I didn't have any weapons, or else I might've put up more of a fight.  The griffin circled overhead for a while before it gave up an hour or so later.  

I stayed in the water, not really wanting to go back to school.  It was the last day.  Would it really matter if I skipped?  Of course, they would email my mom, but still.  I'd tale the water any day.  Even if it meant I got in trouble.  

It was just when I'd gotten out of the water that I noticed a boy, around thirteen maybe, holding something wrapped in leather.  He seemed to be waiting for me.  I was hesitant at first, since I didn't have good luck, but I went towards him.  

"River Jackson,"  he said, bowing slightly.  "I have a gift for you.  From your father."  

He handed me the two leather rolls.  I reluctantly took them and unwrapped them.  The first was a set of throwing knives, made out of Imperial gold.  The second was a ring with a trident, also made out of Imperial gold.  

The ring was big, so I put it on my thumb.  I inspected the throwing knives before putting them in my jeans pocket, which were dry.  Each throwing knife had a trident in the center and coral-like designs on the edges.  They had a dark leather holster that had Aut filia Neptuni, which I read easily as Daughter of Neptune.  

"Thank you,"  I told the boy.  

"Your father wants you to start training with them immediately,"  the boy told me.  "I am one of his servants and will train you.  My name is Agwe."  

"When do you want to start training?"  I asked.  

"Now is a good a time as any,"  he replied.  "Come."  

I followed him to an empty cave where there were targets set up.  It's safe to say I was terrible at aiming, but with Agwe's help, I was able to land a knife on the target before sunset.  He then showed me how my ring changed into a weapon.  

It went from a sword to a knife, to a trident.  It wasn't my father's trident, though I didn't expect my father to give me his real trident.  It was one with far much less power.  I was far better at wielding the trident than any of the other weapons.  

By the time it reached sunset, Agwe announced that my lesson for the day was over.  I went back home and found my mom with her head in her hands, sitting at the kitchen table.  She was rubbing her temples and muttering things to herself.  

I quickly shoved the ring into my pocket.  "Mom?"  

Her head snapped up and she rushed over to me, crushing me with a hug.  I felt guilty that I'd worried her, but then I saw Percy wasn't there either.  

"Where's Percy?"  I asked.  

"I have a feeling Percy made an emergency visit to camp,"  she told me.  

"Is he okay?"  

She just sighed and stood.  "I'll make us some dinner, then we can talk about what you want to do for the summer."  

While mom made dinner, I ran to the room I shared with Percy, feeling as empty as the room felt.  I sat on his bed and pulled the ring out of my pocket, taking time to properly study it.  I ran my hand over the trident and pressed it, holding down on the symbol for three seconds.  

It turned into the gleaming trident, radiating power.  No doubt it would attract monsters.  Quickly, I turned it back into the ring and twisted it around my thumb.  

"River!"  My mom called.  "Dinner's ready!"  

I shoved the ring into my pocket and headed to the kitchen.  After we ate, we played a few board games until I got tired and went to bed.  Mom tucked me in and told me goodnight, closing the door and flicking the lights off.  

That night I sat in the dark, unable to drift to sleep.  Thousands of thoughts swarmed my mind, causing a migraine.  But then one voice nearly caused me to have a heart attack.  The message was loud and clear.  

I scrambled out of bed and hurriedly wrote a note to my mom, explaining everything and how sorry I was but that I had to do it.  Then I wrote one to Percy, telling him how much I would miss him and how much he would always mean to me.  

Then I threw my backpack over my shoulder and fled into the sea.  

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