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*The Last Olympian* 

13 yrs.  

Another year watching the sleeping goddess.  

Another year of boredom.  

Thankfully, Nico didn't get himself killed.  Whenever he visited, he stayed longer or would leave during the first night.  He'd show up sometimes randomly at midnight muttering to himself, but no matter what he'd say he was fine and leave again.  

I had notebooks to write things in, since my brain was running overtime keeping me up with story ideas.  So, Nico had bought me ten different notebooks, all plain black.  I think he does have a sense of humor though, because he did give me one that was decorated with Greek mythology where the gods actually looked nice.  

But he just couldn't find a notebook with Roman gods on it.  Such a shame.  

Anyway, I was writing in my notebook when Nico shadow traveled to the cave, nearly collapsing.  I hated how much he was working himself.  I knew how much it hurt him that Bianca never showed up for him, but she came almost immediately when Percy summoned her.  

"Are you okay?"  

As usual, I got the same mumbled response that wasn't even an answer, and he sat back on his dark mattress.  

That night when I went to sleep, I heard a voice.  Not the one that had told me before to leave Percy and my mom.  It was a woman's voice, soft and kind, but daunting.  Her voice seeped through my bones, and I collapsed onto my mattress.  

I wasn't in the cave anymore.  I was at a camp, where groups of kids were everywhere, doing archery, sword fighting, climbing a lava rock wall, or just hanging out.  It was the camp for demigods, no doubt.  Who else had a lava rock wall?  

"Nico,"  a girl with dark hair and similar features said.  "I need to talk to you."  

Ten-year-old Nico looked up at her, no trace of grief or brokenness.  He was happy.  Energetic.  Full of light, no burdens.  I hadn't ever seen him like that.  Before Bianca's death.  I realized the girl was probably his older sister.  

"What?"  Little Nico asked.  

Bianca twisted her fingers.  "I'm joining the Hunters, Nico."  

He looked at her for a second, then spoke a bit slowly.  "Okay.  Cool!  What type of adventures do you think we'll go on?  I-"  

"Nico,"  Bianca spoke gently.  "You can't join.  It's for girls only.  You'll have to stay at Camp Half-Blood."  

Nico stared at Bianca in silence, all joy leaving and sudden anger and betrayal showing instead.  "You hate me, don't you."  

Bianca's eyes widened and she shook her head.  "No, never.  It's not like that Nico!  I just-"  

"Hate me,"  Nico finished quietly, his eyes shining with unshed tears.  "You know what?  Fine.  Join the Hunters.  I don't care!  I don't want to see you again!"  

"Nico-"  Bianca tried, but he was long gone.  


Now I was in a desert, where a giant robot-thing was attacking a group of kids-Percy was one of them.  A girl with dark hair was next to him.  

"You took something!"  He said urgently.  "What did you take?"  

Bianca shakily pulled out a small golden figure of Hades.  "It was the only one he didn't have."  

I couldn't understand what they said after that, but I heard a small bit of what Bianca said next.  

"I'll go,"  she said.  "I'm the reason it's attacking.  Get it to raise it's foot."  

"No!  You're new at this!"  Percy protested.  "You'll die!"  

Bianca shoved the small Hades statue in his hands, shaking her head.  "Give this to Nico.  Tell him. . . tell him I'm sorry."  

With that she took off, Percy and a girl with a bow and another with a shield trying to distract the giant robot, and as soon as it raised it's foot, Bianca slid in.  It started breaking down and ran away, pieces flying off as it did.  

Percy ran after it, and everything felt like it was zooming out, like I was watching for a drone.  I watched as they searched everywhere, but there was no sign of Bianca di Angelo.  


I woke up with a gasp, trying to process everything I'd just saw.  The golden dome around the unconscious goddess was glowing brighter, and for the first time since I'd been in the cave, she moved.  Just the slightest bit, but it was enough for me to know.  

"You caused this,"  I whispered, trying to catch my breath.  "You showed me. . . that.  Why did you show me that?"  

The voice slithered in my head again.  "Only you. . ."  It sounded slurred and tired and weak.  "Help him see. . ."  

The voice disappeared, feeling like a drop on a rollercoaster.  And at the end of the drop, I passed out.  But now before glancing at Nico's mattress to see that he was gone again.  

A/N:  Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I didn't check before publishing.... 

I got so happy I saw I had a comment, then I realized it was mine.... never had my mood switch so fast lol.  

Thanks for reading!  

- Anne 

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