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Renjun sat by the tree hoping that he could get a little idea on how to find Mr Byun's past belongings. He searched through out the whole house. In Mr Byun's study, his room. But they couldn't be here. Renjun spent half his life playing in this house and the other half cleaning and packing it up for Mr Byun. Suddenly he remembered what Mr Byun said the last time they met.
"Hell is not underground instead those who look up to heaven are in hell."

Immediately he understood what Mr Byun was trying to say. It was a treasure... underground. He quickly stormed of the house, leaving the door open.

Meanwhile Jaehyun, Jeno and Taeyong entered the ward that Haechan slept in.  The nurse stood right beside his bed monitoring him. The patient was a little pale like he was already a corpse. His ring was shining brightly. Everyone was confused. Right now only Yuta was the one who could understand what was happening with Haechan.

"This is not what a normal ring should do. Mr Jeong? What is it doing." Taeyong questioned tears falling out of his eyes.

"Jaehyun? What is happening to him. Should we remove the ring?" Jeno asked alarmed.

"Try it!"

"No! What if it's protecting him! This ring has proven to be not physical but spiritual."

"Listen servant! You are not allowed to contribute to anything so just shut up."

"What if he dies Mr Jeong?" Taeyong wailed even more. The nurse watched as the drama unfolded. He smiled to himself.

Jaehyun signalled for Jeno to take the ringoff. He reached down but Haechan fisted his hand. "Renjun. Renjun..." Haechan whispered in his sleep making Jaehyun furious. How could he be uttering that boy's name in a death situation.

Immediately a blinding light shined brightly and pushed everything away. Taeyong landed in Jaehyun's arms and got shoved away. The omega squirmed on the floor and suddenly an alarm started sounding throughout the hospital premises. The doctor barged into the ward. "They're intruders in the hospital. Don't leave the room." Jaemin warned ready to lock the visitors in.

"I'm coming with you." Jeno replied.

"No don't..." Jaemin declined closing the door.

"Donghyuck? Donghyuck!" Taeyong screamed as he rose from the floor. Everybody's faces turned pale. The patient was gone. His bed was there but no body was laying on it. The nurse was gone too. Jaehyun tried to open the door but it was locked. "Fuck!"

"Listen! Jaemin!" Taeyong yelled as he beat the door , "The nurse stole Donghyuck!."

Haechan was carried out of the hospital gates by a group of men. One of them being a nurse and the rest wearing masks.

A/N: The masks are from Simon Says.

All of them seemed familiar but he couldn't possibly know who they were. "Did Hendery leave the hospital. Is everything I saw real..."

"Your dream was correct. It's us. Our plan is about to be successful. Lee Donghyuck, you will pay the price for abandoning Huang Renjun. You have to help him in his investigation. He can't find out the truth alone otherwise he'll break." the people warned him without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Renjun began his search for the Venus title deeds and ChanBaek's memories. He moved deep into the orchard until he got to the forest, not knowing exactly where was going. Every time he took a step into the dark woods he felt like someone else was following behind him. Watching him, getting ready to attack him. The omega looked around and saw a shadow. But it wasn't his. "Who's..."

"No Renjun. Don't make the same mistake that other main characters make." he said to himself.

He strategically sprinted in a zigzag manner towards the secret place that he guessed Mr Byun kept his Venus title deeds. He lost the person who was chasing him. Finally the omega spotted the hiding place. He should have known this from the beginning. The omega kneeled down and picked a file with papers and licenses. His ring automatically lit up and he saw what he was looking for. A file written :

"Yes!" Renjun whispered to himself. A bright smile lit up on his face. He stood up with the paperwork in his hand ready to go on and find anything else that Mr Byun could have left behind.

Before he could move forward he heard noises from a distance. It was a slurp from a hungry creature. It managed to find him. Now he ran out of ideas. All at once, it's footsteps became louder and its laughs became fouler.
"Oh Renjun...Let's play another game called Kill Renjun." the unknown said laughing even louder.

Renjun knew that voice from anywhere. It was that filthy vampire Hendery Wong. The omega froze where he was standing just waiting for the vampire to hurt him at this point. The alpha vampire got closer and grabbed the omega's arms, stroking his cheek. Renjun screamed and the title deed was grabbed from his hand. The vampire sprinted away with lightning speed. Immediately Renjun felt heartbroken and tired of living. This was his last chance of meeting the man he loved the most.

"No! No! No!" he yelled punching the tree. He felt a sudden warmth around him. A strong scent. A protective scent. "Renjun."

"I'm sorry Hyuck."

"Shhh, didn't I tell you? I love you and I'll never leave you alone."

Hey guys
Long time no see
Anyways we all know who's arrived to the scene.
So don't worry. He is not just a pigment of Jun's imagination.
Love you NCT ZENS

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