Drama heights high

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" Sky, wake up" Eric jostled me awake,
I was so startled I smacked him upside the head making him fall off the bed and onto the floor...hard.

"Damn Sky, what did you hit me with, a brick?" He asked while rubbing the side of his face.
I gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged not wanting to explain where my newfound strength came from.

"Sorry, reflexes "

Glancing at the time I noticed that it was 7:00am. I turned my attention back to Eric with a raised eyebrow.why was he waking me up at this time? Sighing in annoyance I grabbed my blanket and tried to continue my sleep.

"What are you doing,we've got school" he exclaimed then grabbed my blanket and yanked it off,dropping it on the floor.

"I'm not going" I groaned in annoyance.
I was definitely not going back to school, not if it meant I had to see that guy again. Cameron was number one on my hit list and I had no energy for him right now. Jumping off the bed, I descended the stairs to use the bathroom, I grabbed my toothbrush and ran straight down the hall with Eric hot on my heels.

"You have to...mum said so " he shouted through the thick frame of the door.
I rolled my eyes and placed the toothbrush onto the counter, I washed my eyes and got rid of the foam around my mouth. Grabbing the towel to wipe away the remains of water on my face, I fully inspected myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess, my hair was a tangled mess and I had baggy eyes. I opened the door to exit the bathroom when I found Ethan still standing there, I pushed him out of the way walking towards the kitchen to find Amy already seated at the table, she was so focused on whatever was on her phone that she didn't even hear me approach until Eric entered right behind me. Looking up, we made eye-contact and as quick as it had happened, Amy averted her eyes back to her phone pretending that I wasn't there. Okay...so we weren't exactly on good terms,but you could hardly blame me. If only she knew. Sighing, I kept walking to the cupboard and retrieved some oats, pouring some in my bowl and completing it with milk, I took my seat next to Amy on the kitchen table. Still ignoring me, She got up and sat on the other side of the table. I looked at Eric for help but he just shrugged and shook his head while taking the seat across from me.

"I had the strangest dream last night..." Dad trailed off as he spotted me.

He opened his mouth to say something but words evaded him, he kept on like a fish gasping for air.

"Sky..? Your really here..." He finally managed to choke out.

"Hey dad" I managed to say past the lump in my throat.

I'd actually missed him so much, I still couldn't believe he'd started drinking again. Tears pricked my eyes once more, yeah I know, I saw him yesterday, but that wasn't my father. That was a man who'd been drunk off his rockers barely able to keep himself upright. I'd have to have a word with about that but for now I just wanted to bury my face in his chest. As he made his way to me, I got up to meet him halfway, grabbing me , he wrapped his arms around me in a big bear hug. Like mom, he squeezed the shit out of me. Speaking of mum...where was she?, she was usually the one that woke up first.

" Dad, can you tell sky she has to come school" Eric said.

I was about to argue but thought about it. If I stayed, I'd have to explain my sudden absence. I forced a smile on my face and nodded towards Ethan, just then, Amy excused herself , grabbing her bag and headed out the door. She hadn't said anything since I came yesterday, I'd have to talk to her sometime later on.

"Your right, I'll talk to you later sweetheart" dad kissed me on my forehead,
I cringed at the faint smell of alcohol still lacing his breath. He walked past me to the fridge, opened and grabbed a bottle of beer from the six pack. I scrunched up my face in disapproval before grabbing his hand, he looked at me in surprise but put the bottle down.

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