The girl who cried wolf

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3 years have passed since skylar ran away from crescent dawn. She has constantly been training in human form since the day her wolf abandoned her, now skylar returns with a vengeance, or has she got another agenda?

The autumn breeze was a refreshing way to start the day; I rushed through the woods in excitement. The time had finally arrived where I could come home back to my family, back to the town I left years ago. My mind strayed to the reason of my disappearance but paused before I could go any further knowing it would only ruin my day.

I was running like a crazy person but I didn't care because I was close, I could smell my Mother's flowery perfume emanating north-west. I was so distracted by my thoughts I didn't have time to dodge the tree that was in front of me. Luckily I had lifted my arms to cover my face before impact.

I removed my arms from my face and stood up; shaking my ass on the way there just to get rid of the dirt that was stuck to my jeans. Just as I was about to continue running I heard a sound, my head swerved to the right and I immediately went on the defensive

"Who's there" I shouted into the trees but got no response, I heard the sound again and turned back to find a brown wolf staring right into my eyes. My movements were slow as I turned around not to alert the wolf into attack mode. It seemed like eternity as we stared into each other's eyes, but there was something almost too familiar about this wolf.


The name whispered through my mind as I finally recognized my brother. He cocked his head to the side as if trying to figure out who I was but I just shook my head and grinned. He stepped out of the trees and into the open; moving towards me with a trace of curiosity in his eyes. Once he was close I jumped onto his back meaning to hug him, but realized a little too late that my greeting only sprung him into action as I flew back and hit the trees.

"Ow! You broke my back you little shit" I complained. He growled at me and crouched waiting for my next move. Realization dawned on me that he didn't have a single idea who I was and that's what led him to think that I was a threat.

"It's me you half- witted dog; does the name 'skylar' ring a bell"

When I spoke my name his whole body began to change until all that was left in the wolf's place was Eric. He had no clothes on but that didn't bother me now, the only thing that mattered was how he was taking this unannounced arrival.

"Skylar? But... I thought you..." words eluded him as he tried to speak. Finally he stopped trying and just sat there sobbing; my heart ached as I watched him cry. I felt like running to him but I knew he didn't like to be comforted, even at his most weakest.

The tears ceased when Eric stood up to meet my eyes, his look of hatred made my stomach churn with a new feeling.

"For all these years you had us believing that you were dead. What was it some kind of sick joke to you, did you think we wouldn't worry , did you think you could just waltz out of here without so much as a goodbye or at least put our minds to rest with a phone call!

He was yelling now, and I winced at his words but stood my ground. He didn't know anything, who was he to judge me without even asking me why I did what I did.

"We all thought you were dead, every time mom would pass your room she would break down into tears. And after that she would faint and just repeat your name over and over. Dad got into his drinking habits again and Amy started flunking school, she would get in all sorts of trouble and even winded up in jail... twice! Now she's on house arrest."

My anger dissolved as I was listening to all the horrible things that had happened since I had left, Amy was my kid sister and had always been a sweet girl but hearing that she actually winded up in jail shocked me to the core. Aside from that dad had started drinking again? That was worst. Dad couldn't handle alcohol well and tends to destroy everything in his way when he's drunk, he even hit mom once. I shuddered at the memory afraid that it would happen again

"everything that has happened to us for the last few years is your fault, you made us suffer while you went to god knows where, you think you can just come back here and say sorry, well guess what, we don't want your sorry And we certainly don't want you!

The last few words had done it. Eric had finally got to me and I was twitching like crazy. My fault! My fault!

"You know what, fuck you! You don't know my story so quit jumping to conclusions" I screamed nearly exhausting my lungs. I took a breath then let it out and calmed down. I looked back at Eric and the look of hatred was gone replaced with shock. Shock that I, skylar Evans, had actually cussed at her big brother. I smirked because if he thought I was the same little sister he knew so well, then he's got another thing coming for him.

"Look, something happened alright. It wasn't my choice but I had to or else...." I trailed off at the end not wanting to reveal anything that would lead him to ask questions, but I knew it was too late because he had noticed my hesitation.

"Or else what?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Nothing" I muttered and looked away before he caught the lie in my eyes

Before he could question me further a voice echoed from the trees causing both of us to jump in surprise.

"Ethan darling, where are you?" l knew that voice anywhere, her scent was also a big give-away. She spotted Ethan first then me. Recognition sparked in her eyes as she stopped in her tracks. Tears started to spill down her cheeks while she covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Skylar?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Hi mom"

Sorry this is a very short chapter guys and im sorry I haven't been on for so long but all my hard work had been erased so this is all I got for now. So skylars back huh. Well lets see how Cameron reacts to that later on. Not in the next chapter but after that... hope u stick around long enough. And how come skylar still has her wolf senses, is her wolf back??????????? So many questions?? Only one answer. BTW skylars attitude comes from my bestfriend Ana deee aka (anaheartsyou) shes my inspiration and shes a good writer too. If she stopped slacking off and work.

That's all xoxo lalaluvitu aka withchinghour LOL!! And I encourage u all to read PHARAOH'S HEART IS MINE BY VAINELUCHIA she is a great writer and even greater person.

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