Love?hate confrontation

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You’d think that after all these years, my anger for my ‘supposed’ mate would have diminished and I’d have forgotten about his existence altogether. You thought wrong, I felt his presence behind me, smelt his sweet essence evade my senses, it was bliss until I remembered why I hated him. I quickly turned around and glared at him making no move, watching his every action.

“Why are you here?” he asked in an authoritive voice, I nearly laughed at him. Why was I here? That was the most moronic question I’d ever heard.

“I live in this house dumbass, I think I have a right to be here… can’t say the same for you” I sneered, when he growled at me I smiled in an almost innocent way. By the intense look his was giving me I would guess that he was trying to hold his wolf back, I really didn’t care either way, he could let his wolf attack me I was ready. I’ve always been ready. When he took a step closer I snapped out of my daze and focused on him, he took another step closer, slowly, like he was approaching a wounded animal.

“Don’t come any closer “ I warned, I was very close to snapping, as much as I tried to keep my cool, his presence was unnerving and intimidating. I heard a tiny voice in my head and immediately shut it out. If there was ever a bad time for my wolf to finally show itself it would be now. Lost in thought once again, I missed Cameron’s movement and he was suddenly in front of me. My first mistake was breathing in his scent, it was heady and addicting and I nearly fainted by the intensity and how close he was. My second mistake was taking a step back, when I realized that I’d retreated (even just a little) I quickly righted myself and stepped back into place.

“You will show respects to your alpha!” he claimed in a loud voice, because he was so close and his presence so dominating I nearly cowered, but than I remembered. He disowned me as one of his pack members long ago. I lifted my head and looked at him straight in the eye

And slapped him right across his face

The slap was the only thing that was heard in the room, it was so quiet it exaggerated the sound of my hand connecting against his skin. I must have slapped him real hard, without knowing my strength, because his head snapped to the side and he staggered back a little. My hand was throbbing from the impact but it felt good to cause him some pain, it wasn’t enough but it was satisfying. When he turned his face back to me his eyes were completely black and he was growling, he was shaking uncontrollably so I stepped back, a little hint of fear crept into my mind but quickly forgot about it when I remembered this is what I’ve been training for.

“How dare you!” with those last 3 words he started shredding his clothes and transformed, in the blink of an eye a black wolf stood in place of where Cameron had been. I took a step back but he growled at me so I took a defensive stance and waited in anticipation. He jumped at me, and because my back was towards my window we went flying outside. I got up instantly and grabbed his neck, I was surprised at my own strength but didn’t dwell on it, he shook me off and I went flying close to the tress.

“I’ve had it with you, fucking excuse for an Alpha!” I yelled with all my frustration, and then, putting all my anger into my fist I aimed at the wolf’s face, when my hand collided with his nozzle he flew back to the front of my house. I came running he got up I did a back flip (avoiding his jaws) and landed a roundhouse kick on him. I heard a crack and smiled when I realized I broke his jaw, he deserved it so I wasn’t sorry. For a second I thought he wasn’t going to get up so I turned around and started to leave when I heard a growl behind me. I swerved around just in time to see him attack me, I fell to the floor and kept my hands on his chest, he kept snapping his teeth at me and my strength wasn’t enough to hold him back, my hand slipped right into his mouth and he bit into it.

I screamed in agony, the pain was indescribable. Startled out of his rage, Cameron jumped back and looked at me in worry. I felt like crying, I hadn’t cried for a long time now, since the day he kicked me out of crescent dawn. I was sniffing and groaning in agony, I couldn’t cry in front of him so I did the next best thing, I laughed hysterically, like a mad woman even.

“Skylar, I...I...You shouldn’t have angered me!” Cameron was back in human form and without any clothes whatsoever. He was looking at my hand in concern, I stopped laughing. Ethan burst out of the house, sweat glistening across his forehead. He looked at me, than Cameron, than back at me like he was trying to piece together what just happened. He ran to me and knelt so he was face to face with me.

“What happened here? And what happened to your hand?” I was surprised to hear concern in his voice since he hadn’t shown me any emotion the moment I came.

“Cameron was a little hungry” I remarked in a venomous voice and glared daggers at him. Ethan turned around and stared at Cameron for a moment, he was just standing there helplessly.

“You bit her? Why? And what did you mean by mate” Ethan rushed out quickly, he was breathing heavily and his eyes started to darken, like the idea of Cameron biting me effected him. I was a little taken aback because I had the idea that he hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

“Ethan, you need to calm down…and I didn’t mean to bite her. My wolf just got a little out of control” he tried to reassure Ethan but he’s eyes were black now and he started growling, it took much effort but I grabbed his arm and nudged him. Straight away he calmed down and looked at me, he still looked a bit angry but the anger was starting to disappear rapidly.

As I looked back at my wound, I realized it didn’t hurt as much anymore but it hadn’t disappeared, sure werewolves are fast healers but since I didn’t have a wolf, my skin healed much slower than most wolves. Cameron came close and offered his hand to help me up, for a second I considered taking it but he bit my hand to the bone so I looked at it for a second

Than bit it. Hard.

Cameron staggered back in surprise, I could taste his blood in my mouth and I refrained myself from moaning, I’m not a vampire or anything but my mates blood had a big effect on me. I heard a laughter rumble from his chest and in a matter of seconds Cameron was laughing his head off on the floor. Ethan and I were shocked than after a few seconds we joined in. any normal person passing by would have thought we were crazy but we couldn’t stop laughing.

“You bit me!” he said through a mouth full of laughter, I stopped giggling and got up. It actually was funny, I was so angry at him that I bit him.

“An eye for an eye right? “ I shrugged with a smile on my face.

“Do you guys know each other?” Ethan shook off all the dirt from the ground and sobered up; he had a suspicious look on his face

I said no the same time Cameron said yes, I glared at him and gave him a warning. Ethan didn’t need to know our history, it was a past left unexplored. My Ex-alpha’s phone rung, he looked at the caller ID and swore under his breath. He peered onto his phone curiously but he quickly hid his phone and dropped it back in his pocket.

“How? Since when?” Ethan asked

“Sorry man I have to get going, I’ll catch you tomorrow at school yeah?” Ethan looked like he was going to argue but Cameron gave him ‘the look’ so he snapped his mouth closed. Cameron turned to me; he stepped closer and tucked a strand of my hair onto my ear. I shivered at the feel of his fingers against my skin, at that minute he pulled me close and embraced me. I sighed in content, he smelt so good and all I wanted to do was surrender to this feeling.


As soon as my wolf reared its ugly head my eyes snapped open and I pushed Cameron away, he pulled away without a fight and looked at me in resignation. He lifted his hand rested it on my chin before leaning in. Was he going to kiss me? And if he did why am I still standing here instead of moving away? My heart beat faster and faster by the minute. But instead of kissing me he whispered in my ear, two words that I never expected to hear from him.

“I’m sorry” as soon as he said that he turned on his heels and left. I looked to the side to see Ethan watching silently, no expression showing on his face, a small smile appeared across his mouth before he turned around and walked inside.

I stood there stunned, why had I let him get that close to me. Never again, not after what happened. I couldn’t let it go that easily. Not before he felt the pain I felt….

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