Chapter 10

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It was Sunday and the prom was on Tuesday, and you were still lying on the bed not coming out of the room, but luckily you managed to eat for the past two days again and were getting better, but suddenly you heard loud banging on the door.

You immediately jumped out of the bed and opened the door before it gets broken.
"W-woah! Hina, Emma! What're you both doing h-"

The two shoved you aside and got inside the room and looked around.

"Oh so you actually cleaned out the room, wow" Emma said sarcastically which made you roll your eye
"I thought you wouldn't do that, what an improvement" Hina joined which made you groan
"Forget that, the fuck are you both here for?!"
"To take you to shopping of course! Prom is literally two days away, you can't be sitting here and cry! Let's cheer up and go to shop!"

Hearing the word 'prom' made you frown and avoid their gazes.
"Oh c'mon Y/N! You can't just act all grumpy! Let's go and buy some dresses!" Hina shouted making you flinch.

"I wish I could also go to your school, you guys' prom are almost here and on the other hand, we don't even know if we would get to have a prom this year" Emma said frowning

"Sneak into our prom! No one will mind anyways, people literally take their partners from other school as prom date, so why can't you come?"
"You got a point!!"

Watching them interact made you smile subconsciously.

The two managed to force you out of the room and took you to shopping

"Alright, so let's get to shopping!" Hina yelled going to try some dresses.
"Alright! Y/N go and find a dress you love, let's all meet after choosing the dresses at the counter"

You three nodded and went to search for a dress but somehow you didn't seemed to like any of them, even the ones you would normally agree to buy, they all seemed boring. So you went back to the two after they selected their dress.

"Are you kidding me? You didn't chose a single dress?"
"I didn't liked any of them!"
"What're you high on?! How come you didn't even chose [favourite brand]'s clothing neither?! We thought we could cheer you up but are you seriously going to be all grumpy"

You stayed quiet which made them slap their faces.
The three of you went to the cashier and they paid for their dresses.

[The following part till the park scene comes, is inspired from: @estella-chann4797 on YT]

Emma glanced back at your before giving Hinata a nod and they whispered something to the cashier who replied to something in a barely audible voice before handing over a bag to the two girls.

"Here" She said giving you the bag
"What is this?"
"These two young ladies bought you this dress" the cashier lady said making you gasp
"Why did you both do that?"
"Uhm uhh because we love you!"
"You peeked inside the bag and saw a limited edition tag on the cloth and looked at them surprisedly "Hina! Emma! You both didn't had to do it!" You said hugging them tight.

"But it's what friends do, right?"

6:07 pm.

It was evening and you got a text from Emma that you needed to go near the lake.

Go to the lake and make sure to wear the dress you got today.


I said go.


You felt annoyed that you had to go out again but still had to agree to it nonetheless and took the dress out of the bag.

"Woah..." You gasped seeing how beautiful that F/C coloured dress was.
You immediately wore it and it just fit you perfectly. It was the most beautiful dress you've ever worn or seen anywhere. "I look so good in this...." You said admiring yourself in the dress while looking at your reflection in the mirror but decided it was time to go already.

It took a while but you reached to the lake soon and texted Emma.

Where are you Emma?

You waited for like three minutes but with the lack of response decided to text Hina.

Do you know anything about why Emma asked me to go to the park?



'so she doesn't know about it too...then I think she's on her way here, I'll just wait for her-' while you were busy thinking, you felt a tap on your shoulder

"Oh Emma you're- M-mitsuya...?"

While thinking that Emma was here you turned around to find it was actually Mitsuya standing behind you.

"L/N...uhm...I'm sorry"

You didn't knew what to say and instead stood there quietly trying to find a response.

"Please, uhm, if you won't mind, can you please forgive me for running away like that? I should've listened to you...."
You looked at him nervously "i...I am sorry too...we shouldn't have agreed to this plan at all"

Mitsuya sighed and took a bouquet which he was hiding behind his back and held it infront of you, it had all your favourite flowers.

"Is this for me?"
"Or who might it be for?"
"So look beautiful in that dress"
"Hm? Oh thanks! Emma and Hina got this for me today!" You smiled at which Mitsuya chuckled "did I said something wrong?"
He laughed before resting his hand on your shoulder "it happens that they didn't told you this, but I'm the one who made this dress for you"

Your smile instantly fell as you looked at him in shock "WHAT?!"
"Calm down Y/N" he chuckled again to see your reaction "yeah I made it for you as an apology" he admitted, scratching the back of his neck from the embarassment
"I'm....I don't know what to say....but Thank you so much! I loved this dress..."

You hugged him again which he returned and pulled back.

"Y/N, uhm...I don't know if it's a good time to say this or not, but now that i think that we've made up and all..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


The End.


A/N: fun fact! All this drama happened under two months but I wrote this entire fic down in a week! 💀💀 This was super cringe ik but I still hope you all liked it! ^^

Ps. The caller who informed about Mitsuya being injured was none other than Hakkai!


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