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Avana's pov

*I paced around my room with my ringing phone in my hand*

'Why aren't you picking up Lee?' I sat on the loveseat and tried calling for the hundredth time

*The phone rang a few times, and then I heard the voicemail message.*

*I didn't know if I should be worried or annoyed*

"Why aren't you picking up Lee?" I whispered to myself

*I was starting to get worried, something was definitely wrong....but what could it be?*

*I got up walked towards my closet and put on the closest shoes I could get my hands on*

*I got into the elevator and rushed into my parents room*

"Mom?" I looked around the room

"She,Ava and Austin went shopping" Dad said

"What's wrong? He asked looking at my worried face

'Sh!t...I guess this is how I'm coming out to you then' I took a deep breath in then spoke

"I was supposed to invite my girlfriend over for dinner so that I'll introduce you-" Dad cut me off

"You-" I immediately spoke over him

"I've been trying her number for a while now and she's not picking....I know her to well, something is definitely wrong...and I need you to please drive me to her house" I said hurriedly

"Ok, do you know where she stays?" Dad asked

"Yes!" I answered

"Ok I'll meet you outside, give me a minute" Dad said

"Thanks dad" I replied walking out of the room

*I walked into Alvin's room, but he wasn't in his room. I got out of his room and went to wait for dad outside the garage*

*I tried calling Lee one more time, but still no answer.*

"Where did Alvin go?" Dad asked parking his car in front of me

"He isn't home?" I asked getting into the passenger side

"He's not. His car isn't in the garage" Dad answered

"Oh..well, he didn't tell me" I shrugged my shoulders

"Here" I pointed at the car screen with Lee's location on


*We pulled up to massive closed gates. I got down from the car and pressed the buzzer next to the gate. I was about to push the button again when a friendly looking man jogged towards me*

"Hello there miss!" The man smiled

"Hi!, please I'm here to see Lee Luck... Alexi-" he cut me off

"Oh I know her...she's the baby of the house" The man giggled

"haha" I forced a giggle

"Do you know if she's home?" I asked

"She drove off on her bike today" He smiled

"Do you perhaps know where she went?" I asked

"Probably to her friend Lucas house" He smiled again

"Ok thank you" I smiled and walked back to the car

"Any luck in finding Luck?" My dad laughed at his own joke

"haha!" I giggled at his dad joke

"Not really. I think she went to Lucas house...I'll have to call Alvin to ask him for Lucas house location" I said tapping the call button next to Alvin's name in my contact

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