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September 4th 2004

No entry. 

I smack my lips together. I haven't ever been this thirsty in my whole life. I don't know where I am but it is the day I guess because there is a small shaft of light shining into my face. My eyes begin to adjust and I realise I am in the back of a van with a duvet and a pillow. I look to my side and there are 3 bottles of water. I rush to pick them up and miss loads of times before finally getting to unscrew the cap and basically inhale the water. My body aches as if it is on fire. I feel like all of my organs have shrivelled up, died and started to rot inside of me. I take a few deep breaths and look down at my clothes, still wearing what I had on last night which is good. I can't find the handles on the inside of the van doors so I put my hands around the front chairs and poke my head through. 'AHHHHH FUCK'. I scream. It's that guy from school, Omar, sat in the drivers seat of the van with his arms crossed and his head down staring with his eyes closed. Well, he was like that until I screamed in his ear. 'Shit man, you nearly gave me a heart attack'. 'What the fuck is going on. Have you kidnapped me? We didn't have sex did we?' 'What no. What? Fucking hell that is sick. Who do you think I am, I thought you were fucking dead at first.' 'I don't know you might be a necrophelliac?' 'You're actually crazy, most people would say thank you.' I sit back behind the seats in the back and he turns around, 'now you're awake I'm going to drop you home, where do you live?' 'Hold on I'm not done here.' I take another sip of water, 'what happened?' 'I just found you, picked you up, let you sleep in my van and now I am taking you home.' 'Don't get smart, I want to know the details'. 'Okay well, is it okay if I sit in the back or you sit in the front because my back hurts.' I pat the duvet for him to come into the back. 

He gets out the front of the van and I wait for a minute until the doors slide open and he pulls himself inside. We both sit opposite from each other, it is quite dark apart from the slight sun coming through the windscreen. I stare at him for a while. He stares back. 'Go on then.' 'Erm there isn't much to say really. Leon was having a party, I got invited but I don't really do that stuff anymore. I was just at home watching TV until I kept getting calls from people at the party telling me I needed to come. Then at about 2am, this girl I know, Gemma was calling me, telling me she was high, drunk and horny and wanted me to go over. I wasn't going to have sex with her but I wanted to come and make sure that she didn't do it with anyone she might regret in the morning or something like that. So I drove over, the place was absolutely fucking trashed, windows were smashed, stunk of piss, sick and some girls were topless and people were either lying on the floor or leaning against the walls. Pretty much no one was awake or like conscious but as much as I'd love to help everyone, they're all adults and I can't do miracles. I checked a few pulses and everything seemed to be okay and the music was muffled because someone had thrown the speakers into Leon's hot tub. Then I heard screaming from far away. It was kind of scary as fuck because it was so far away from the house I thought there was a serial killer or something, but I had to go and find out what it was. I thought it might had been Gemma because I hadn't found her yet. Anyways, I walk up the field, got so much colder and darker and the screaming had stopped so I was using my phone torch to find my way about. Then I shone it over you and I actually felt my heart stop. I thought you had just died, you like weren't breathing and your eyes were covered in black stuff, I guessed you had been crying because your eyes were like streaky with black makeup or something. At first I didn't recognise you but I got a bit closer to make sure you were alive. You were breathing really shallow, thank God, I literally had to exhale because I was so relieved. I picked you up. As I was leaving I saw police cars driving to the party so I had to be quick. I didn't know where you lived or say I like found out, I didn't know if your parents were strict and would kill you and I didn't want to bring you into my house, no offence, so I just got my bed covers and pillow, put them in the back of my van, got you some water, wiped your face with a warm flannel and left you to sleep. I tried to go to bed in my own bed but I was a bit worried you'd need something during the night or might have died or something so I just snuck into the front seat and slept sitting up. So that is pretty much it.'

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