Time Skip and Genin exams

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Enjoy and sorry for the wait


Emi and Asuma were doing great. They did well in looking after Naruto who was doing amazing in the Uzumaki Taijutsu and he was fast. Naruto learned more difficult Seals. He was also doing well in the academy.

Shikamaru and Choji spent a lot of time at the Uzumaki clan house. They liked that no one could get through and spy or attack. It's one of the safest places to be. Ino and Hinata also spent some time there as well. They got to see Emi who helped them in a lot of ways.

Emi was surprised that she was getting visits from Sasuke. She was surprised by it, but she learned that he did it because her family treats him the same as anyone else. She let him stay for a few days and Sasuke was surprised that Naruto trained so hard and he was so much faster then they got to see at the academy.

Asuma didn't mind that Sasuke came by. He was just worried that Sasuke would try to steal the Uzumaki secrets that Emi was showing Naruto. Emi had a seal that kept the library clocked and could only be opened by her. She did this so Naruto couldn't try and learn something he wasn't ready for.

Emi talked to the Hokage about Sasuke and he was surprised that he trusted her this much. He was hoping that this would help him stay in the village and not abandon them in the future.


Emi and Asuma trained Naruto to be a bit like them both. Naruto learned how to use Wind Jutsu. He was doing well and he also knew a lot of Water Jutsu.
Naruto was the second smartest in class and he was fine with that. He didn't want too much attention on him at the moment.

Emi also gave Ino and Hinata some Medical Ninjutsu training. They could now heal small things. They also carried some antidotes and some poisons, just in case they needed them. Emi was glad that they knew some medical stuff.


It was now time that Naruto was going to take the Genin exam. He only had a few more styles left to learn in the Uzumaki Taijutsu. He was now in a higher lever in seal mastery. He knew some good Water and Wind Jutsu too.

Emi learned that Asuma was going to be a Jouin Sensei and he actually liked that Idea. Emi was happy for him and she hoped this would help him in a lot of ways. Naruto was excited about Asuma being a Jouin Sensei as well.

Emi was still working at the hospital. She was going to be seeing a lot of Genin because some of the D-rank missions were difficult. She knew that they could get hurt from some of them.


It was the next day and Emi left for work. Naruto went to the academy for the Genin exams. Naruto pranked some as well. He mostly pranked people who hated on him or his family.

Asuma left a bit before Naruto woke up. He had to leave early. Shikamaru was doing well and he wanted to help Naruto as much as he could. He trained a bit more then what he used to. Choji also wanted to work hard to help Naruto and be there to help his friends.
Ino was doing the same and she was enjoying the time to get closer to her dad.

Hinata learned that she could fight and still be gentle. Hinata was mostly herself in everyday life. When she trained she would come at her training partner with all she had. She came close in beating her father and sister once. The Clan grew more respect for her as they saw her fighting.


Emi got a few emergencies today and she was tired from all the rushing around. She got home and she just feel asleep on the couch. Asuma got back and saw Emi asleep and smiled that she was getting some sleep. He fixed up some dinner and it was ready when Naruto got Back.

Naruto has never seen his aunt so tired. He tried to be as quiet as he could so he didn't wake her up. He felt that she had a ruff shift today. The two guys just talked quietly and they cleaned up the dishes and left some for Emi for when she woke up.

Naruto went to train in the things he already knew. He became a Genin and he also helped stop a Chunin from taking a important scroll out of the village. Emi was proud of Naruto and she knew that her sister and brother in law would be proud as well. Emi told Naruto about his parents and gave him pictures of them too. Emi and Asuma told Naruto stories of his parents as often as they could.


Naruto found out the next day who his team was. He wasn't happy having Sakura on his team. She was loud and she didn't train much at all. She was the real dead weight of the team. Sasuke agreed with him on that when he saw how out of shape she was.

Naruto made a effort in talking to Sasuke. They grew close and Sasuke felt like he had a family again with Emi and Naruto. He stayed with them a lot and he was never at his home. The AMBU that kept a close eye on him saw this and he couldn't get any closer to the house and he told The Hokage and he sighed at this. He couldn't just ask Emi to let the AMBU guard in and around her family.

Sasuke felt safe with Emi and Asuma. He also felt like he had reasons to stay in the village again. Emi help him learn to not get carried away with revenge and now Sasuke wanted to find out why now. Sasuke and Naruto talked as they waited. Sakura was a bit annoyed that Sasuke is ignoring her.

Sasuke meet Kakashi a few times and he liked him a bit. He learned from Naruto that Kakashi was always late. He was only on time for missions and other important things. They learned quickly that they had Kakashi as a Sensei and the two boys aren't too happy about that.

When Kakashi finally got there they got to know each other and then Kakashi told them about the real Genin test and not to eat breakfast. Naruto quickly knew what Kakashi was trying to do and told Sasuke who also would eat breakfast.

Emi and Asuma were glad that the two are figuring things out on their own. Asuma was the Sensei for team Ten. He was the only one who could help Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino learn their fathers formations.


Sorry for the wait and I'm going to update again soon. I will also try to update my other stories too. Thank you for reading

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