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The sounds of mechanical whirring and gears spinning would fill the air as the shelter doors slowly open, the scent of humidity filling the nose of Enot, who would stretch as she sits up, rubbing her eyes, followed by clumsily squeezing out of the shelter and onto the wet ground. It'd be another painful cycle scaling the wall, just for the sake of a few karma levels, so she'd climb, ascending poles and jumping across terrain, almost falling to her doom quite a few times, even when not almost falling, there were still vultures and lizards constantly, which proved to be quite an annoyance, but, after quite a while, her efforts did pay off, finally scaling the wall and reaching the entrance to metropolis, where an echo resides, but upon taking the entry, there was no echo to be found, so she simply wandered about, luckily not having to worry about a painful torrent for quite some time, so she walked, and walked, coming to an interesting area, so Enot would climb it, to no surprise, and upon reaching the top, she was met with a pair of scavengers, elite ones at that, so Enot, in curiosity, would try to walk past, only for the pair to prevent her advances, knowing that they enjoy pearls, and having found one along the way.

She handed it over, a beautiful, gleaming, gold pearl, which one took, looking it over and nodding to the second, the two stepping aside, allowing her to pass through, upon doing so, she would enter a cave like structure, and at the opposing end of this 'room' was another scavenger, one with a large mask, adorned with pearls, the antlers much bigger than those of an elite, not only that, he was wearing armor, armor crafted from the hide of a red centipede, the Chief would be seated atop a big, imposing throne, the Chief, upon noticing Enot, would narrow his eyes, a sharp, orange gaze now locked onto the slugcat, who just stood there, looking like a moron.

Enot, from what she could see, found his physique to be quite alluring, dominant, quite honestly, in her eyes, the perfect kind of mate, so she advanced, taking cautious steps, yet trying not to appear scared, as she neared him, sat atop that big throne, she knew what she saw from afar, was accurate, the Chief, was quite big, his posture in all ways, matching of his ranking among his tribe, that of a leader, the slugcat, feeling somewhat confident, would speak, in a soft, sultry, tone.

Enot: "Sooo, how ya doin, I'm Enot, you must be the Chief, hmm?~"

The slugcat would ask, finishing with a small curtsy, looking up and giving a wink to the Chief, who just sat there, his expression shrouded by his mask, yet Enot could tell it was one of indifference, not caring for this rodent that has presented itself, despite this, he would respond.

Scav Chief: "You may refer to me as Chief, for you haven't a need for my name. Now, state your reason for being here, or depart."

Enot would sigh softly, and consider her options, telling a lie, or being honest in the fact she is unaware of the path she is on, being lost and struggling to locate the echo stationed atop Metropolis, yet, being the foolish idiot she is, responds with something moronic, and to another species, one which could spear her like a kebab at any moment.

Enot: "Oh, y'know, just looking for a mate, nothin' much."

Which, in all reality, isn't untrue, but locating a mate isn't her primary objective at this moment, Enot would question herself, and why she had said that...

(There, small chapter, the small burst of motivation began to fall off near the end of this prologue, which primarily could have been due to the fact that said 'burst' had begun at roughly 11:40 PM, and as of writing this note, is 12:53 AM.) 

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