Chapter 9: Earth-97 Caribbean Sea🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254 CoStiNeLXD

Todd opens his eyes to find himself floating in a black empty void.

"Huh? Where am I? How'd I get here? Molly? Molly?" Todd calls out.

Suddenly, a green light glows behind him as he turns around to see the green Chaos Emerald glow behind him. Coming closer to him.

"A Chaos Emerald? It looks like it's getting closer-WHOA!" Todd shouts as he dodges it from hitting him.

He then sees all the Chaos Emeralds gather together. All glowing brighter together.

"Are they

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"Are they... trying to tell me something?" Todd wonders.

Suddenly, green lightning strikes them as each one of them as they turned dark green.

"What?!" Todd exclaimed.

As they each turned dark green, a blaze of green fire burns around him and a ball of it burns in front of him. It scares him as he steps back.

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