Chapter 13: Earth-24 Migard🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254 LivingNomad41803 95nicholasnm

The Void

Fang was now seen staring out the window of the Waverider, seeing all the Earths out there

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Fang was now seen staring out the window of the Waverider, seeing all the Earths out there. He can still remember the screams of the billion souls that died in his world. Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and his Loona. All of them gone. As he continues to stare, he didn't notice that Wolf was watching him. He sighs softly as he goes to rejoin the others in the bridge.

"So Black Tip has taken his gang and Bruce to our Earth. They should be fine until we find a way to restore their world." John said as Moe joins them.

"Hey, how's Fang?" Barry asked.

"Not good. He's really depressed. I feel so bad for him." Wolf said.

"Yeah, I know how it feels to lose your world." Logan said thinking about Crisis.

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