Chapter 15: Earth-785 Azeroth🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254

The Void

Snotlout is seen making a sandwich in the mess room of the Waverider.

"Yes! Mayonnaise, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salami, and some potato chips to make it extra crunchy." Snotlout said as he finished his masterpiece. "The perfect sandwich!"

Just as he was about to eat it, Gideon appeared to him.

"Apologies for interrupting, but the team is waiting for you to join them on the next mission." Gideon informs him.

"Gah! No! Why now? Fine!" Snotlout said as he grabbed his Flash ring and headed off to join them.


The Waverider then lands in the middle of a forest. The team then exits the ship as they look around.

"Whoa... where are we?" Marinette asked.

"Azeroth." Oliver said recognizing the place.

"I wonder what war we're in? The first, second, third, or the fourth?" Barry said as he comes out in his armored suit.

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