Part 4 'Doors'

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When I reached the top of the stairs I wondered about the halls ways all of them littered with doors it seemed strange, so many doors almost door many doors for possible rooms given the downstairs, maybe one room just needs like four doors or something, the corridor seemed to loop and move I counted at least thirty doors which was maddening some more used then others, some older then others, but it moved and changed like a maze the only time I ever found anything different was at times finding a stairwell leading up to the third floor. I headed up there as I didn't want to start on these endless doors, and I found a room with large windows and a skylight, and a canopy bed the room was littered with plush toys of different things and another door I tried the door but it was locked.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" I called as I knocked on the door but no answer came, I sighed and went down to try and start searching through the various doors I picked one a small wooden door I pushed open the silver door knob, and it revealed a room no bigger than a cupboard with another door at its end, this room had a wardrobe, vanity mirror, and a rug, I opened the wardrobe out of curiosity and saw various dresses and accessories they seemed familiar if a little old fashioned but I didn't question it, I went to the door seeing it was different. 

This door was old and brown with a bronze door handle and a keyhole but the shape wasn't the normal keyhole shape. 

"I need a key? what kind of key would fit this-" I began but- 

I grabbed the wand from my dress' pocket seeing the crystal and the sharp shard of lapis lazuli on the tip of the wand, I slowly pushed the wand through the keyhole and twisted it to unlock the door and push it open. 

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