Chapter 2: The Unicorn And The Train Station Incident

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[Takoba Municipal Beach Park]
(Izuku's Pov)

It's a been about a week since I met Shiro-San and Yozora-sama, and found out that I was a Fox Spirit like them and since then I've been working on clearing the beach near the shrine when ever I could as a thank you to them. It also proved to be good training as well.

Burning the last of the trash pile I had cleaned off of the beach I grabbed my water bottle and to a long drink. Looking out to the beach I started to wondered if I really could clean it. Shaking those I pick up my bag and started to walk home.

'I wonder what kacchan's doing now, he knows I never miss school, and now I'm been missing for a week straight' I thought turning around the corner I bumped into someone falling on my tail.

"Owowow, my tail" I hissed in pain. It had been a little over week since it had appeared but I was still getting used to it. Looking to my right I saw who bumped into me. A little girl with white hair ruby fearful red eyes and a horn on the right side of her head. Quickly get to my feet I kneeled down to her. "Are you okay" I asked, giving her a worried looked.

(???'s pov)

I'm sacred, really really sacred, but this person in front of me makes me feel safe and that everything well be okay. He asked me if I was okay I shook my head reaching out to him as tears filled my eyes. I wanted him to take me away from the bad people and the bird man who cuts me open.

He quickly wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, it will be okay alright. Just calm down. Do you want me to take you away from here?" He asked and I nodded. I felt him left me up adjusting his arms to carry me easier. "What your name little one? My name's Izuku." He asked. "Eri" I answered quietly. "That a pretty name, Eri-chan." Izuku said.

Few minutes later

"So Eri-chan what's your favorite food? Mine's Katsudon" Izuku asked. "Apples" I answered. "I like them too" he said as he stopped walking and grabbed something from his shoulder bag. "Two tickets please?" He asked.

(Izuku's pov)

"Thank you" I said take the tickets from the receptionist, give her a smile. Her face turned red for some reason, was she alright? "Hey are you okay?" I asked worried. "Huh, yeah I fine, my name's Ippan Josei" she said looking away. "Nice to meet you Josei-San. I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is Eri" I said introducing myself and Eri.

(Ippan's pov)

While I was concerned about little Eri in Midoriya's arms as her clothing and the bandages on her limbs definitely would be a reason to call a hero or the police, I had a feeling that it would be best for her to stay with him. Midoriya didn't seen like the type of person that would abuse others, and by the looks of his clothes he probably didn't have much ether. His massager bag look like it was a moments time away from breaking and his clothes were covered with all kinds of stains. Though if my hunch was correct he was probably homeless or a runaway as well.

It broke my heart to see someone as kind and caring as him was struggling to survive day to day life. His large smile, his expressive ears and his fluffy tail only added to his already charming and honestly adorable looks. "Uh, hey, Midoriya-kun if you ever need some help be sure call, alright" I said handing him a small piece of paper with my number on it. "Okay Josei-San thank you for your help I have to go now, bye!" Midoriya said taking the paper and heading to the platform for his train.

(Third person pov)

Izuku sat down adjusting Eri so she could rest comfortably as she had fall asleep while he was talking to Josei. Wrapping his tail around her as a makeshift blanket he softly smiled, gently cresting her hair moving it away from her face. He remembered his mother doing this when he had a nightmare as a kid. Humming his favorite tune Izuku closed his eyes thinking back to every thing that's happened over the last few day's of his life, smiling. He opened his eyes to see a little girl no older than maybe 7 in a fox hoodie staring at him in awe.

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