Mabel's sniper

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The osprey touched down at Hanscom Air Force base. The ramp touched the tarmac and out walked a platoon of marines, one of them carrying a m40a5 with 8 x scope and range finder, bipod and suppressor attached. He walk towards his platoon and waited at parade rest. The general gave a speech about how each man and woman in the group should be proud of what they have accomplished and how important they all are.

After formation he put his gear in the back of his truck and drove home. Seeking nothing more than to sleep. The next morning like clock work, he was up and running by 6, in the gym by 8 and on his way back to his house by 10 almost getting run over by a red hatchback, and by 11 he was at the firing range.

Mabel pov:

It's been two months since I broke up with Charlie, he became an alcoholic, and was abusive, I had to lie to my professors at the community college how I got my bruises. It took Tom getting him off of me for me to get it through my head that he would never change.

On my way to class I almost ran over a guy running in the cross walk, I wanted to apologize but I was already running late. After class I went to Rasputin's tavern, a side job I picked up on to help with tuition.

Y/n pov:

I parked my truck outside of Rasputin's tavern, and went inside but not before spotting the same red hatchback from that morning

((What we wore besides the gloves))

((What we wore besides the gloves))

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I sat at the bar top and waited for the bartender, which was this cute little brunette, bout 5'1 103 lbs ((yes I looked it up, I like to be accurate))

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I sat at the bar top and waited for the bartender, which was this cute little brunette, bout 5'1 103 lbs ((yes I looked it up, I like to be accurate))

She came over and stopped.

"Oh my God.." she said

I looked at her as if asking what was wrong.

"You're the guy I almost ran over this morning, I'm so sorry" she said hiding her face in her hands.

"It's fine ma'am" I said in my southern accent.

"A southern boy, so where are you from?" She asked grabbing me a beer.

"Texas ma'am" I said.

"Reminds me of an old man I used to know, so what are you doing up here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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Jenna Ortega x male reader imagines, one shots and head cannonsWhere stories live. Discover now