8. Game on!

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Chapter 8

Harriet's POV

From the corner of my eye, I see Tom quickly making his way to me; and to my delightful surprise I also see Lucius just a few steps behind. (Ohh so that's who I sensed earlier. This is gonna be fun.) If a one year old could properly smirk, I'd be doing so now!

(Thanatos, am I able to make a link without having to touch someone? I'm getting tired of touching others to form a communication link with them.) The annoyance in my question was clear. "Yes, you should be able to do so. Just extend your magic out and connect to his core." My face was blank at how easy that sounds, (I feel like a moron for not knowing that, trial and error. I suppose.)

(What has gotten you pouting?) Tom chuckled through our link while looking at me. (I'm not pouting! I'm just a little irked at my lack of experience and information.) Tom gave me a look that showed he was intrigued. (If I didn't know better, I'd say you're older than what you are.) I looked at Tom, (What would you say if I told you that I'm mentally 18 years old?) With my small confession in the air, I studied Tom, looking for anything in his expression. After a moment, he smiled and gently picked me up to cradle my tiny body. (That explains only a fraction, when we have more time; I shall need more of an explanation.) I groaned to myself, realizing that I had to properly explain myself to both Tom and Sirius.

Lucius became curious and peered over Tom's shoulder. "Aww, she is beautiful my lord." Tom smirked, "Yes and quite powerful for her age." I took that split second to expand a fragment of my magic out to Lucius's core. (That he is correct, pleasure to meet you Lord Malfoy.) I offered a small greeting to test the communication link. Lucius faltered, and stared at me. "Ho- how is this possible? It's unheard of for a magical child to be this powerful." Slight worry and concern was clear as day in his voice. (Lord Malfoy, I promise I am on your side of the war. Dumbledore has made a severe mistake that has wronged both Tom and I. It's costing him his own life.)

Lucius once again looked baffled, "Now I know why you're so intrigued with her my lord, may Hecate have mercy on anyone who pisses off Lady Potter here." Tom and I started to chuckle at his comment. (Ah, if only he knew, Lady Hecate.) I heard a giggle as her response.

While smirking Tom and Lucius took their wands out. Tom cast Alohomora, and gained quick access to the home. (Time to wake them from their beauty sleep!) I all but cackled through the links. My target was Vernon, I want that overgrown whale dead; he is to not see the light of a new day. Still cradling me as if I was glass, Tom held me softly as we walked in. (The fat male is a free game, relocate my aunt and cousin before the bloodbath begins.) I ordered, Lucius gave a small nod and chuckled under his breath and quietly walked away, "Not even of age nor mated to my lord yet and she already had so much power and command."

I looked at him in surprise. (Lady Klotho, Lady Gaia, did I hear him correctly!?) I felt both entities become a little uncomfortable. (My guess is, I wasn't supposed to find that out till I was 'older' huh?) Thanatos started to laugh at his sister's for their lack of an answer. " Why, yes sister's, do explain to our dear master. She deserves to know." Thanatos said mockingly and teasingly, giving no indicator that he was going to answer for them.

Gaia decided to remain silent, leaving Klotho to squirm and come up with an explanation. "Um, hehe, you see.. Remember how you felt a connection and protectiveness with Tom before you came back in time or your reincarnation? Will in your past life you two were supposed to be mates, both of you have magical creatures blood running through your veins, but thanks to an interference...... that didn't go according to plan. Klotho squeaked at the end from nervousness.

My emotions became a little unstable, (I-I killed my mate in my other life, why? Why wasn't I strong enough to not realize that?!) I almost wanted to cry, but I quickly came to my senses. (Thank you for telling me, I need a little time to organize my thoughts.) I felt all the entities leave, except for Thanatos. "Don't worry master, we'll make sure there isn't going to be a repeat of the past." His words were of a welcomed comfort. I smiled mostly to myself now knowing more than what I have before. (Thank you, you may leave now.)

Thanatos leaves and I quickly turn my attention to Tom. (Tom, go straight down that hall and to the left, Vernon is awake and in the kitchen.) Tom nods, quickly taking strides towards the kitchen, and we hear commotion from upstairs. I hear Lucius quickly talking to Petunia, explaining that she needs to grab Dudley and leave for their safety. I hear soft running and about a minute later, a sharp pop that indicates that they have left. If I could put on an evil smile, I would!

Tom and I softly turn our full attention towards the kitchen door. My thoughts turn playfully dark. (This is going to be fun......) Tom felt my excitement and raised his eyebrow with a chuckle. 'So eager to kill...How cute." I pout, (I want him dead, i want to rip him limb from limb. Then i will rip his balls off and shove it down his fucking throat!) Tom looked at me with wide eyes. "Remind me to never piss you off."

I just simply smiled as we walk through the doorway. Vernon was sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand. My eyes flashed killer green and the beer exploded in his hand, sending shards of glass into his hand. Vernon yelled and held his hand, blood slowly dripped onto the floor. My eyes flash again and with an invisible force, I slammed him into the T.V. Vernon started whining in pain.

I looked at the knifes in the kitchen and wickedly smiled. I left them into the air and sent them flying, all of them hitting their mark. Vernon started screaming in agony as the knifes dug deep into his back repeatedly. I keep pulling the knifes out and stabbing him again, his blood slowly soaking the floor, his screams of agony is music to my ears as I continued to stab him.

Finally, I magically push him over and stabbed him in the groin. I force the knife to start cutting away at his sack, making Vernon red in the face, screaming and howling. I smirked harshly, my eyes glow again and with magical force, i ripped his bits off and forcefully shoved it into his mouth and down his throat. Vernon eyes rolled back as his starts choking on his own balls. I watched as the life in his eyes fade away, with great accomplishment.

Tom shifts slightly while still holding me, "Yep, definitely not going to ever piss you off." He face is slightly pale and he whipped out his wand, he walked us out the house and casted 'Fiendfyre'. The fire quickly engulfed the house, burning and turning everything that it touched into ash. Tom softly kissed my forehead and apparated us away.

Author's note: Sorry for the very late update!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Updates are still going to be on the slow side for now, but I will do my best! Stay safe and healthy out there!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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