3. More Company

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(Thoughts) , 'Parsel-tongue', (Mind link)

Harry stood there silent rage filled his senses. "Clearly Tom isn't my enemy, but my ally in this battle. That old bastard put spells on him too, didn't he!?" Harry fumed. Harry started feeling a connection and protectiveness over Tom, but he kept that to himself. All three entities looked at Harry knowing exactly what he was feeling. "Shall I continue?" Thanatos asked, wanting to make sure that Harry was ready. "Yes, please continue." Harry said with an attempt of a straight face.

"As you already know. The moment you are reborn, you are going to be a female. The old bastard is going to try to put corruption spells on you as soon as he puts his hands on you, but we'll have layers of protection magic attached to you. With the layers they'll confuse him, making him think that the spell's have taken hold. The spell's will dispel before Petunia has a chance to find and pick you up, that's how she got them last time." Harry remained stone-faced, wondering if he could really trust his remaining family, but then again he was reminded that they are victims like he was. "So how are we going to get away from Vernon? Last time I checked he was a disgusting, abusive pile of shit who's always breathed down our necks." asked Harry. If there is a plan, it needs to be made now before he is sent back. "That's easy! Since I'm the goddess of fate, I can change her fate pattern by sending compulsive thoughts to help Petunia leave Vernon and when you arrive at their doorstep it'll only strengthen her resolve to leave! See easy peasy!" Klotho proudly stated. Thanatos was trying not to outright laugh at his little sister's overzealousness, while Hecate shook her head with a smile at the vagueness of her sister's plan. "I mean that is the start of a plan." chuckled Harry.

As they started putting ideas together, three combined sparks of blue, gold and white formed behind them. "It appears that we have made it just in time. Little one my name is Eurynome, pleased to meet you." Said the mature woman as she introduced herself. She had long white hair that was an inch from touching the ground. Her golden eyes were similar in color to the gemstone Citrine, she also wore a simple creamy white tunic that fell gracefully around her, giving her an angelic appearance. "Mother, Gaia, Cronus. What happened? Why are all of you here?" Hecate asked, concern dripping from her voice. "Nothing, we just want to give the wizarding world a run for fresh loincloths." joked Cronus. The man was of heavier build compared to Thanatos, hair that was the color of ash. His eyes are black as coal, and wore a dark gray tunic that gave him a strict appearance.

"Cronus for being the god of time, you are behind. Humans don't use loincloths anymore. Before any of you ask, yes we are in need of a master as well. We have watched and listened to the other humans, it seems that you Harry are the most worthy. Please allow the three of us to join you as well." Gaia the last one out of the six to speak. She stood tall and proud, her slightly wavy golden blonde hair rivaled the sun. Her eyes were a strong mixture of mocha and caramel brown, she wore a tunic that was similar in color to the blue Forget-me-not flower that made her presence strongly known.

For a second, Harry was astonished to say the least. Not just three, but six powerful entities were wanting him to be their master. "Is that possible? How do we go about making proper bonds? If that is even the correct term for it.." Harry commented out of contemplation. "If you want to master, we can do a binding spell that'll connect us all to you; soul and magic both. We'll be bound to you, as you'll be bound to us. You'll be stronger than Merlin, he only had three of us bonded to him." Hecate said, pure pride illuminated off of her as she looked at Harry. With some thought about the pros and cons, Harry only saw the pros that were to his advantage. "Okay, let's proceed with the binding." Eurynome placed her hand out in front of herself and started chanting, creating a pentagram underneath their feet. Each entity went to a point with Harry being in the center. "Don't worry child, it will come naturally to you." Eurynome said soothingly. Harry took a deep breath and cleared his mind, allowing a gentle force to take over. "I bare myself to you, free will and body to this binding. I call forth Eurynome Goddess of all Creation, Cronus God of Time, Hecate Goddess of all Magic, Thanatos God of Death, Klotho Goddess of Fate and Gaia Goddess of Life. I offer my loyalty and services to you in exchange, so mote it be." "We accept your pledge and offer in this binding, we in return will accept any services that you deem of us and provide the powers that are necessary to preform, so mote it be." As soon as the words ended, rays of light pooled from each entity and shot towards Harry wrapping him in a warm embrace. The light's slowly absorbed into Harry, every nerve, every fiber straight down to his very soul was being cleansed. Harry sighed and started becoming emotional from the strong sense of clarity that was entering his body. As he closed his eyes, he started to feel the changes to his body. The only statement he thought was (So it begins now.)

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