Chapter 61

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Waking up with her next to me is my dream come true. Her hair is splayed across the pillows and she looks like an angel, she is my angel. I feel like I am floating on a cloud. Last night with Sage was like no other night, our hearts have become one again and we are now bonded once more. We have come full circle it feels and I can tell you, I have waited it seems a lifetime.

I can't even begin to describe how I feel, it's like I am floating on a cloud, the sense of happiness and contentment fills me and my heart feels as if it is overflowing.

Carefully, I ease myself away from her side mindful not to wake her. I need to let Hector out who has managed to find his way into the bedroom and is snoring at the end of the bed. I check the time, it's still early only just six a.m. He stirs and his ears prick up, his tail waggs.

"C'mon boy." I whisper. Hector gets himself up and off the bed, I check to make sure we haven't woken Sage up, she's out cold. I'm not surprised, she must have had four orgasms last night and it was early hours of the morning when we finally fell asleep in one another's arms.

Will she stay? Will I be enough? Or will she go for a long distance relationship? Only I'm not entirely sure how that could work out and if I am being absolutely honest with myself, it's not what I want. So here we are back where we started, her with her dreams and me wanting to be forever in Willowbrook, the small town I grew up in with the people who are my family and extended family.

Hector stretches on the rug in front of the bed then nuzzles my leg. I fluff his curls atop his head and quietly tiptoe out of the bedroom. We walk across the lounge area and I open the front door for him. The morning air is brisk, it's my favorite time of the year, the leaves are already turning color and there's a distinct fall smell in the air. I watch as Hector goes to his favorite tree, cocks his leg, kicks behind him with his hind legs then comes trotting in and past me, straight to the treat cupboard. He makes me smile, he and I we've been through a lot together.

Satisfied with his treats he chomps away whilst I put on coffee and wait for the machine to finish, I put some food in his metal bowl and give him fresh water. Hector comes and eats as I crouch down and wrap my arms around him. He's my comfort and right now I kind of need it.

Yes, we declared our love for each other, Sage and I last night and we didn't have brutal raw sex, it was a night filled of emotion, passion and deep seated love stemming from our childhood years. The way our bodies moved together as one, how we drifted over the crest of the waves of orgasm and lay spent in each other's arms. Yet, it was also the most poignant moment for me. Not knowing which way she will go scares me, it scared me more than it ever did when I was that eighteen year old kid left behind watching her leave.

I don't think I can take another broken heart.

"Hey, you're up early." I hear her husky, sleepy voice behind me. I stand up, leaving Hector to finish his breakfast. Sage comes towards me, she looks so damn adorable in one of my pale blue shirts that comes down to her mid-thigh. Her hair cascading around her shoulders and some smudging under her eyes from her mascara. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now in just the shirt and bare feet, with the cuffs hanging down practically covering her hands.

"Always up early darlin'." I say cheerfully not wanting to give away how scared in my heart I am. Sage walks towards me and places her arms around my waist. I wrap mine around her and inhale her fragrance, she is a mix of coconut shampoo and lingering Coco Chanel, her all time favorite fragrance. It's her signature note.

"You want some pancakes for breakfast, granola or toast and scrambled egg?" I ask my lips on her head. God, she feels so damn good, I never want to let her go. I keep saying that right? That's because I don't.

"Mm, let me see can I have all of the above. I am starving, someone worked an appetite up for me until the early hours of the morning." She giggles, it's adorable.

"Coming right up, m'lady." I release her and go pour her a mug of coffee and one for myself. Hector whines at the door.

"I'll let him out." Sage walks him to the door and opens it for him to scurry out. I never have to worry about him, he's not the kind of dog that will run away he's faithful as they come.

I start to take eggs out of the fridge, the pancake mix from the cupboard, some orange juice and the bread for our toast. "Let me help you." She says as she comes to stand behind me as I mix the batter mix.

"I had an amazing evening, darlin." I say as I whisk away.

"I love a man who can make breakfast." She replies. "I love you, Logan." Her head rests on my back, my heart clenches and my stomach tightens. I want to be open to receive all the love she can give me, trust me I want every last single drop of what she can give, but I'm terrified as hell that she's going to get an offer other than the one in Vegas and she will be off again.

"I love you too, darlin'. To the moon and back. If I could reach up into that sky and give you the moon, I would. You're the other part of my heart, Sage."

"I know." She says quietly. Oh, God I hope my heart isn't about to be break again.

We chat about this and that, the practice, the fundraiser, Thanksgiving that's just around the corner and the holidays.

"Will you be here for Christmas?" I ask her as we sit down at the counter and eat. She places a couple of pancakes on to her plate, pours over some maple syrup and adds some blueberries.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure. I think I may still be here."

"I thought you might stay this time." I reply then take a long drink of my coffee.

"Logan, I want to. I feel like I've just found you all over again and this feeling, it's the most amazing feeling in the world. You make me feel alive, like I've just come back to life after a long sleep, but you know how much I want a fellowship." She sighs. "But it sure is pretty here."

"Sage, darlin' you need to know I can't do long distance and I don't want us to be back where we were ten years ago. We've been given a second chance here, and we should take it. How often does a love like this happen to anyone? It's rare, like a precious gem. You are rare. You make the sky brighter even when the sun shines, you are the other part of my beating heart, your smile lights up the room and your eyes make me drown in them. Life has no meaning if you're not by my side."

Her eyes are on mine. Somethings you know, have to be said. I'm not too manly to let my heart talk for me. If I'd have talked some more back ten years ago, then maybe she'd never have left in the first place and we'd have children by now.

I had and have dreams too.

"I don't know I can give you the commitment right now, but I do know I won't be taking the offer I've got. Maybe I can get something closer, like West Virginia State. That's only a couple of hours away and I could commute."

"I'd miss you at the practice for sure, however, that'd be amazing." I place my cutlery down and reach for her hand. She squeezes mine back. Inside I'm praying. In my dream I see us both running the family practice, with her carrying our baby inside her, and at weekends pottering around here by the cabin, laying down with the fire on and reading a good book, Hector by her feet. I see her holding our child, teaching it how to plant bulbs, how to read, seeing her being the most wonderful mother that I know she would be. Watching as she holds it's tiny hands as it takes its first steps.

"I know that look, Logan." Of course she does, she knows me inside out.

Only time will tell which way Dr Sage Bennett will go. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now