I'm Not Okay

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But it's okay. It's okay that I don't feel anything anymore. It's okay that I lay awake every night, wishing I was never born. It's okay that everyone hates me. It's okay that I hate myself.

It's okay that I think my waist is too fat. It's okay that I wish my thighs were way smaller. It's okay that I think my legs are big. It's okay. It's no one's problem. I deal with it.

I deal with it through weed. With vaping. With my knife. Sure, they're not 'great coping mechanisms' according to my therapist. But it helps. For a little while, It helps till I have to do it again. So I do. It's not a big deal. It's okay.

My therapist, Eli says I need to 'get out more'. I do get out. I walk up my driveway to wait for the bus, I go on runs. I 'get out'. Eli says I need more time off my phone and more time with my friends. Jewels and I went to a party last week. Sure I left early, but I still went. Me and Zeke went out to eat two weeks ago. He had to leave before our food even came, for an unknown reason. But I still went out.

I'm not okay, but it's okay 

I'm Not Okay, But It's OkayWhere stories live. Discover now