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That's what Carolina Miller grew up hearing, as she was nicknamed after the very flower that had killed her father. It wasn't as surprising as it may sound, nicknaming your child after the very thing that took her father's life. Well, not to Georgia Miller, that was.

Wolfie for short on occasions whenever her mother was on the tispy to drunk side. However, that was fairly rare, but shortly after Kenny had died to the very same flower that she was named after and took her father's life, Georgia always finds herself at the hands of wine.

Though, Georgia knew that she'd have to tell Carolina the truth whenever she caught her slipping the petal into Kenny's smoothie one morning. Georgia knew she could trust Carolina, as she was Georgia's duplicate. She knew that the daughter she raised to shoot guns and defend herself would never see her mom as the bad guy.

Afterall, family protects family, right?


Dreading the long drive from Texas to Massachusetts, Caroline found herself sitting in the back, alongside her baby brother, Austin, while the her mother was blaring music from the passenger seat. Ginny, on the other hand was driving, obviously taking a disliking to the loud music and their mothers energetic attitude.

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