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That's the only word that Carolina could use to describe the feeling going on inside her head, as she was rubbing her temples to try and ease the pain. She had a massive headache, as Ginny was pacing back and forth in her room complaining about how Georgia had gotten her a job without her, "consent".

"Maybe if you hadn't stole or chose awful friends like Abby, then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have a job." Carolina said, fed up with Ginny's constant complaints and whining. "Abby is not a bad friend." Ginny defended, and Carolina hummed, "Maybe not, but a genuine and true friend would own up to making you steal, not throw you under the bus to get away with shit."

Carolina added, and this made Ginny stop and think, and she shook her head as she basically stomped out of her room and slammed the door. Rolling her eyes at her sister's temper tantrum, she quickly changed out of her outfit she had worn to school and changed into a oversized gray shirt that she did not remember owning.

Walking downstairs and into the kitchen where Abby and Norah were, she glanced at Abby and gave her a harsh glare, "If you're here to throw other people under the bus, maybe you should go stand outside in the middle of the road." She said, with a sickeningly sweet smile and Abby cleared her throat and looked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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