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Wearing a white shirt while drinking wine was always deemed to be bad luck. Well, in the Miller's family it was, anyways. That's why when Caroline was abruptly woke up to her mothers screams, she bolted out of bed her pistol in her hand.

"God, mom. You had me thinking someone broke in." Caroline complained, once she saw that her mother was holding up her white dress shirt that had a giant red stain on it, and she placed her gun down on her mother's dresser.

"You could have woken up Ginny or even Austin, and they could have easily thought you were being murdered. Do you ever-God! It's four am? What the hell, mom?" Caroline said once she caught sight of her mom's phone and saw the time.

"Let me borrow your shirt!" Georgia said, as she quickly walked to Carolina's room, while Caroline sighed grabbing her gun and following after her mom who was now rummaging through her closet. Plopping down on her bed, she watched her mom as she kept looking through her daughter's clothes.

Yawning she groaned as she was shown a fourth shirt that she owned, and was quickly dismissed by her mother and she sighed before her mother showed her the black dress she had bought two years prior. "Yeah, this definitely doesn't fit you now." Georgia muttered, as she glanced down to Caroline's breasts, and she just merely flipped her mother off.

cold hearted. marcus baker.Where stories live. Discover now