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The color red was not always on Carolina's mind to be adorned on her body, let alone spewing out of her skin. So when she looked down to see the blood trickling from her hands as she was digging her nails into the palms of her hands. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She had it engraved in her brain that it had to be done, no matter the results.

Slow lingering breaths filled the air, as she sat aside her wall, hidden from view of anyone who entered her room through her door as her bed hid her frame. As she finally looked down at her hands, her breaths turning rigid and quick. She knew, everytime she looked at her damage, a panic attack crawled its way up her, causing her to try and swallow the panicked breaths that itched to escape.

It was as if she were fighting the demons that were pining her down, she looked around her room like she tried to find them, to be rid of them. Calming down her panic attacks were never easy for her, she had always struggled until she would wake up either that night or the next day in the floor because she would never be able to catch her breath, so all in all, she'd pass out.

The constant ringing in her ears was a reminder that it was real, that it was real life. She knew that she'd either snap out of it, or find herself laying in the floor hours from now. Tears streamed down her face, burning into her skin like they were acidic, and she wasn't able to focus her vision due to the tears that now clouded her vision.

cold hearted. marcus baker.Where stories live. Discover now