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Jimini skipped breakfast again today, I sigh putting away plates, What is up with the boy these day's he is not that bubbly anymore, i hope the college isn't very hard on him, I also don't find much time for him maybe i can have some time of if i get accepted to my new job maybe we can hang out, go out doors , yeah that's surely cheer my little mochi up...

Hmm, maybe i should do his laundry today and give him a little rest, today is washing day anyway, i got up to go to jimin's room to take his clothes for laundry..
"This boy never leaves any mess in his room huh, so tidy up" i chuckled saying.. taking his dirty clothes from the basket in his bathroom, while taking his last piece of dirty clothes a white bedsheet, something caught my eyes that left me horrified...
"No no no" i screamed throwing everything on the floor, I gasp in horror he.. he is doing it again but why, I need answers why my boy is hurting himself, for what what's bothering his is something happened in college why didn't he tell me anything, i thought.. No I can't wait for him to come home, I'm going to his college, I picked up all the clothes from the floor and headed downstairs..

Now parking in front of his college building i nervously got out up the car towards my destination to the principal office.. after talking to the principal she announced jimin's name to come to her office... After few minutes jimin came running now ready to drop anytime.. "WHA~ WHAT HAPPENED, is granmma okay??" he asked me looking scared.. "Yeah everything is fine, nothing happened to mum" we bid out goodbyes to the principal.. walking out of the building jimin asked "Why are you here then" I sighed "It's just I miss you jimini, im not getting much time these day's, I feel guilty about it you know, anyway it's was your last class i talked to your principal she said it's fine i can take you home" i told him on breath still nervous " "Gomo you.. you really don't have to~" I cut him of "Aishh, sushh.. let's go for some icecream okay, then we'll decide what should we have for dinner today"... I told jimin who is nodding giving me a flashing smile... I decided not to say anything about the bedsheet worried me saying these might end up making things worse, but i do need to do something asap...


"Hey Mr Payne in my ass" I called him flashing my cute little toothy smile, liam looked at me with an annoyed face "Well i'll be gentle with you next time then" damn this little shit have some guts huh i thought "Let's see who'll be gentle with who" liam huffed and said "What made you to brings your ass here then " hands in my pocket am walking around the bookstore stopped and turn to look at him "Aww I was just missing your cute little ass that jiggle everytime you walk up and down the stairs in your pjs, you know honey" I said looking straight into his eye leaning on a side of bookshelf, "You know what, let's cut the bullshit, tell me why are you here?" He asked with an angry tone and wide eye, I took my hand out of why pocked start walking towards his desk where he was standing, "Papa told me to come here to check if you need any help i guess" I told him with a bored look "I don't need any help thank-you tell Mr Tomlinson, and you can go now" I said with out looking at me, i slammed my hand on the desk what made him flinch and look at me, "Look at me when you are talking, I don't like~" "I don't care" liam cut me of, I put my hand on his lower cheek and brush my thumb on the corner of his lips "Seems like as your older brother i need to teach you some manner's" liam stood frozen smack my hand when he heard his store's door to open, "Hii Liam oppa" the voice belonged to a teenage girl with peach coloured hair, "Hey Rosey" liam who said smiling, the girl come towards the desk nodded her head a little to greet me as well, "Did you bring the new volume oppa"
"Yeah yeah i did, let me so you" liam now walking towards the back the girl behind him, "Oi, what about our private little conversation, you can't leave me hanging" made the girl little red on her cheeks, liam who turn around while walking backwards mouthed me "Fuck off", i rolled my eyes and head out from the bookstore that am surely going to come again...

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