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The chapters are simply named, based off a word or phrase mentioned and repeated in the following chapter.

Mickey is a weird guy, is open with Darrow about the transformation and pain, but I can't quite seem to trust him. Just his vibe is a little off. I don't dislike him, but I can't tell if he actually like Darrow as a person or just as a specimen. He found a zither for Darrow, which was very sweet. Darrow had a choice to refuse this mission and carving, but the other option would have been death. And he already cheated that.

It feels like they have been trying to walk Darrow through his emotions for months. He watched his wife die, thought he died, was showed the truth in the lie, and transformed into what he hated. He's been through the ringer and back. Yet, he complains like a child. Makes snide comments, talks back. This plan is greater than him, but he can make it greater still. Eo is dead, move forward with the path she laid out.

Is it ironic when a character points out flaws in plan? In this case, Darrow points out that the Sons of Ares can create a fake name and family and history but not fake his admittance.

Darrow was arrogant when he was a Helldiver of Lykos, and he uses that confidence to embrace his role as a Gold. I can tell he isn't fond on talking down to people or having these false conversations with people. There are people too, even if they're the enemy. This is how they were brought up.

A lot of history of the world we know is brought up. Some of what has happened to bring society into space.

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