Chapter 1: A New Friend & Capture

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Eclipse had made a new friend during one of their loops around the forest. She was a shy but kind young SpiritWing named Moonlight. She was mostly all black with streaks of navy and indigo on her scales, she has piercing sky blue eyes and she has two silver teardrop scales underneath each eye, witch clearly proved that she was an animus just like Eclipse.

"Hey Moon, over here!" Moon turned around to see Eclipse flying towards her at an impossible speed. The SpiritWing could only gape in shock, she tried to speak but no words would come out. "What's wrong, Moon?" The ShadeWing teased, "is there something on my face?" The ShadeWing asked in a teasing tone of voice. They both laughed and soon enough another voice was heard echoing from the clifftops.

"Moon! Come on sweetie, It's time to go home," a small black-and-white SpirtWing with silver wings called out. "Hay, Eclipse, you should come with us," Moon's mother, Dreamseaker, called and the 2 dragonets took one last look at the setting sun, and then they flew off into the twilight-covered sky.

The next morning Snowseaker and Secretkeeper came over so they could train, and in the process they discovered that Eclipse had the powers of SpiritWings, DawnWings, DuskWings, LightWings, and CrystalWings. "Ouch! Careful, watch where you hit those light beams, Eclipse." Secretkeeper called out as she flew out of the way of another light beam. The ShadeWing looked down at her talons with a sheepish grin as she replied. "Sorry, Secret." She replied with a nervous laugh and a shrug of her wings. "But you know I have bad aim, I always have." However, before they could talk any further, a playful wack of a black-and-white tail made them turn to see a grinning Snowseaker. And with that, they resumed to there training. And even Moon had started training with them.

About 2 weeks or so later, they were all once again near the tree that they had all decided to name The Tree of Rubys. It got the name because of the red crystals that shined in the light of the sun.

"So, Moon. How is Midnight doing?" Eclipse asked the SpiritWing as she looked at Moon with wide eyes. The SpiritWing just shrugged her wings in response, replying with a fond smile on her face. "She's doing great, but... she's ga prankster and a troublemaker. Little sisters can be annoying sometimes, but they're still cute." The SpiritWing answered truthfully and the others nodded in agreement. Then It was silent for a long while as they all watched the sunset. They were all happy and content with how their lives had turned out.

Eclipse was suddenly awoken the next morning by the sound of screaming, trees, rocks, and other objects flying through the air. The ShadeWing ran out into the smoke-filled forest, thick smoke was making it very hard to see, but before she could cry out for help, she felt strong talons grab her tightly in there grasp. The last thing she remembered was seeing her friends being grabbed and chained, then everything went dark.

Eclipse slowly opened her eyes, she tried to rub her talons over her eyes, but she found that she couldn't move. She looked down to see that her talons and her tail were chained to the ground, in a panic she tried to move her wings, but to her dismay, they were chained to. She then saw through her night vision, the chained forms of her friends.

"Hey Eclipse? What happened? Where are we?" Secretkeepers voice rang out though the now identified cave.

The young ShadeWing thought for a minute before responding. "I think we were captured by the DawnWings," Eclipse said and Secretkeeper spoke up again. "Captured? How? For what purpose?" The NightWing asked as Eclipse answered, "That I do not know. But we shall learn in time."

After Eclipse spoke, Moon chimed in quietly. "How will we escape? We're chained to the ground, so flying is out of the question." The SpiritWing pointed out.

But before anything else could be said on the matter, a figure appeared in the small light made by the torches.

"Hn. Relax, I'm here to get you all out of here, but we have to be quiet." Then the figure melted the chains and clasps that were confining the four young dragonet's movements.

A ShadeWing's Tale 2: New Friends & New Discoveries Where stories live. Discover now