Part 3

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As Morticia ran out the front door Gomez followed her, but as he followed her he found that she had stopped. Gomez came up to her quietly and grabbed her by her hips again and hugged her from behind, she didn't bother to brake free she just stood there embracing him and still crying. " I'm so sorry Tish, I never meant to yell at you and I understand if you are mad I shouldn't have said that in front of you." It killed Gomez to see Morticia cry, " No I'm sorry, you were right I was being stupid for nothing," Morticia said still crying. " Why are you still crying Quedira? Is something really wrong?" He asked kissing her cheek. Morticia turned around and placed her hand on his face " Quediro," she said looking straight into his eyes. " Yes," Gomez asked with a worried look on his face, " I'm Pregnant." Morticia said with a smile. " Cara Mia, is it true?" Gomez asked with a smile on his face, " Oui, Mon Amour," Morticia said placing her arms around him. Gomez then leaned into Morticia and kisses her passionately, they stay outside for a while then they go back inside and tell the family.

It's already been nine months, the baby could come any day now. It's dinner time and everyone is sitting at the table except Gomez, " I'll go get him," Morticia said getting up carefully. She walked to the office doors and opened them as she opened them she felt a pain in her stomach but she ignored it. " I won't make it for dinner tonight eat start without me," Gomez said not even looking up, Morticia felt the pain again then her water broke. She was going to have the baby, " Gomez," she said quietly. " your not going to tease me this time, Tish," Gomez said still not looking up. " Gomez!" She yelled, " what is it?" Gomez asked still not looking up. " The baby........ It's coming, Now!" She yelled, Gomez finally looked up and say Morticia holding her stomach in pain leaning against the door frame for support. Gomez quickly got up and carried Morticia, " We have to get to a hospital, quick," he said. " No...... It's to late," Morticia said weakly. Gomez then placed Morticia on the bed in their bedroom and called for Mama, Mama quickly went to the bedroom to see what was the matter. Mama realized Morticia was going to have her baby, a long while later Morticia had her baby it's a boy. " Quedira, he's an Addams, what will we name him?" Gomez asked holding the baby. " His name is pubert," Morticia said half awake, " Welcome to the clan Pubert." Gomez said almost crying. " Cara Mia, you must get some rest as well as the baby," Gomez said kissing Morticia on her temple. 

It's been over a year since pubert has been born, Wednesday and Pugsley walked up to their parents one day. " When can we torture pubert?" They asked, " Not until he is older," Morticia said in concern. Wednesday and Pugsley walked off with a sad look on their face, " We should have a party, to tell people that Pubert has been born." Morticia said looking at Gomez. " I agree Tish, we shall have it in a week," Gomez said smiling, " Wonderful, I will plan food and decorations with Mama," Morticia said walking away. 

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