(Rewrite) Chapter 1: Opportunities

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I wake up, sighing. The last job I was at fired me, and I only just found out about this. Just my luck. I lay in bed, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. I check my emails, and..some place called 'Laminax Laboratories Site: 04' emailed me.


I open the email, and it's a job invitation! This is amazing!

The email reads as follows.

"Greetings, unknown person. If you are looking for a job, you're in luck! Here at LAMINAX SITE-04, we test animal's strengths and abilities, and our goal is to improve them, making them smarter, and stronger!

If you would like to join us, there are a few staff roles we could use.

{OPEN} Janitor

{CLOSED} Cafeteria Worker

{CLOSED} Medic

{OPEN} Scientist

{CLOSED} Guard

Please reply to this email with whichever one you have picked. If you pick one that is closed, your email will be ignored.

Secure, Contain, Protect."

I can't help but recall remembering that quote at the end...

Maybe it's nothing.

I've always liked science, infact, it was my favorite class in school...

I think I want to apply as a scientist.

I hover my finger over the 'reply' button next to the email, tapping it shortly after, beginning to write my reply.


Aaaand, sent!

Only time will tell if I get accepted or not. I'm just hoping I do get accepted...


I wake up, yet again, to my phone dinging, telling me I have a new notification. I pick my phone up, checking the time. 10 AM. I look in my inbox, seeing a reply to my reply. 'How were they this quick to respond?! It's only been an hour since I sent my reply!'

The response reads as follows:

"Amazing! Meet at ****** lane, and you will find a small concrete buildings with a fence, and two people outside, guarding. We will provide you with a your own ID, and a place to stay. The head scientist will also be giving you a tour. We hope to see you there soon!"

I read over the email a few times, realizing it has been accepted! I jump out of my bed, excitedly heading over to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I finish my shower, I dry off, doing all the usual stuff like cleaning my ears, putting deodorant on, ect. I then dress up, after that, hurriedly getting cereal.

I take a box of cereal out of a small pantry, getting a bowl, spoon, and milk with it. I set the spoon in the bowl, as I begin to open the cereal box, grabbing the bag of cereal and watching as the cereal flows into the bowl. I then grab the milk, opening it, and pouring it into my cereal.

I put the bag of cereal back in the box, and put it back into the pantry. I then grab the milk and put it back in the fridge. I take my bowl of cereal, and set it down at the dining room table. It is a wooden table in the shape of a rectangle, with two empty chairs in front of me.

I begin eating my cereal hastily. 'I need to get to the location they provided me with, FAST.' I take out my phone from my pockets and turn it on, checking the time. 11:08 AM.

I notice the door to my parent's bedroom open, and out comes my mother. "Hey mom." I say, glancing up at her. "Are you still having trouble finding a new job?" My mother asks. "Actually- I just got accepted into one." I reply. "Well, things worked out in the end! Where are you working at, and what do you do there?" My mother asks.

"Laminox Laboratory or something like that. I'm going to work as a scientist there, studying...animals. They didn't really elaborate..." I reply. "Sounds nice. What's the pay?" My mother asks. "I...don't know." I reply. "What do you mean you don't know? Shouldn't they have told you?" My mother asks. "Well...they didn't tell me." I reply. "Suspicious..." My mother says, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, mom." I say. "When you get there, first thing I want you to do is ask them the pay!" My mother says, A hint of frustration in her voice. "I will, I will.." I say, finishing my cereal.

My mother heads over to the kitchen, I'm presuming to clean. As I finish my cereal, I grab the bowl, heading over to the kitchen sink, rinsing it out and putting them both in the dishwasher. I then walk over to my bedroom, dressing properly for my job interview. Why I'm doing an interview after they accepted me, I have no idea.

I grab my car keys, heading for the door to leave. I open the door, waving goodbye to my mother. She waves back at me as I close the door. I press the unlock button on my car keys, unlocking the doors of my Silverado. I open the driver side door, hopping up into the driver's seat, putting my keys into the ignition.

I start up the truck, and head off.

(Let me know what y'all think about this first chapter rewrite. You don't have to, but feedback is appreciated.)

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