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sidemen 20 vs 1 video application

Basic information:
Name: Catorina Oakes
Age: 23
Why you should be picked: Im humorously awkward
Are you willing to do weird/spontanious things for this video?
Yes   Or   No
How to contact you:
Email: Catorinaoakes369@gmail.com
Phone number: XXX - XXXX - XXXX
Social medias:
Instagram: @okcattie369
Twitter: @cattoakes369
Youtube: @princesscatorina & @catorinasextras

Submit application?
yes or no


Catorina put her phone down after submitting the video application upon hearing a scream come from the downstairs of her shared house. She knew it was most likely just Anthony or Sabrina being idiotic but she decided to go have a look nonetheless.

10 minutes later and Catorina has found herself sat on the couch in her living room about yo start watching whatever Les had put on. The boy demanding that we must watch this, its what the fans want. The groups tripods sitting either side of the television as Les walked back into the kitchen getting some munchies. He claimed "its what they all need." And the video began.

"hello ladies and gents , as you can see this is clearly a high budgeted video! We have the famous five on the couch and we will be doing a reaction video." 'dun dun dunnnn.' While most of the group let out groans and mumbles of frustration, Catorina took it upon herself to back the idea Les has. "Right then Les, What are we reacting to?."  She felt anthony elbow her side but she payed no mind. No one in the group really liked filming react videos but they did them anyways because its what the viewers liked,  "oh how glad i am you asked cattie!,  we got a comment on our youtube video the other day suggesting we do a colab with such creators. I did some research and now we are going to watch them, see if they really are the comedic group that ilia said they were!!' Catorina smiled at the boy but she didnt know if she really was excited to do this or not. Les usually made them react to weird and unusual videos but it seemed he that Les was also yet to watch this video.

catorina read the title of the video 'We watch milf manor ( episode one )'

"MY MUM IS THE HOTTEST!"  Catt felt herself laugh before she could comprehend what was happening. This video was incredibly chaotic and she hardly understood what was going on.  Les and Sabrina were laughing so hard they were hitting eachother as tears sprung in their eyes. Anthony was about ready to tip off the couch they were sat on. Whilst Rosie and Catt just let out small giggles. It made Catorina really happy that her friends were enjoying this time and laughing.

skip to the end of the video series ( yes they watched all six milf manor reaction videos ) , Anthony had moved to lying on the floor, catorina had suddenly found her eyes very heavy and was cuddled up to Rosie who had fallen asleep next to her and Sabrina had gone off to bed 3 videos ago. Les looked at the state of his friends and smiled. This. This was home.
"Alright everyone! Thank you all for watching and if your still here then staying tuned til the end. If you,ve made it this far into the video then i reckon you should just subscribe as you've had a good enough time to continue watching! I love you all, thank you again. Goodnight!" He switched the cameras off and that was that.
"Heading off to bed Les?" Anthony had spoken up from his cuckoon on the floor. "I am, sleep well Ant." Anthony smiled before shutting his eyes again. Les clicking a quick photo of his friends before scurring off to bed. A sense of warmth spreading through his body.


Les pov:
Im content with where my life is. Spending the last couple of hours with my friends and seeing the peaceful state they were in was refreshing. Im so thankful that the activity i chose gave them all such a chance to relax. I love my friends so much and after everything they've done for me? I owe them the world, and ill try my hardest to repay that debt.

And just like that the quintet were all sleeping peacefully, their hearts all beating as one.


@Leswhitney has posted to to his instagram story.

@Leswhitney has tagged @townsend

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@Leswhitney has tagged @townsend.rosie and @okcattie369 in this story...

Catorina and rosie woke up at similar times the next morning and settled on getting up and packing away their blankets. Their necks sore from the form couch but they smiled non the less. Catt looked to the floor seeing Anthony asleep. She knelt down beside him and shook him awake, if he needed more sleep he should go to his room to do so. "Morning Ant, if your still tired i suggest you go do so in bed." The boy tiredly smiled at her before stretching out his muscles.
"May aswell stay awake now !"


After having some deliveroo lunch, the quintet settled down on the couches again. This time they were not filming but purely spending some quality time together. They had opted on watching the same boys from the day before, This time settling on a video labelled 'WE WATCH SNAPSHOTEYE LOSE HIS MIND!'

Catorinas pov:
About five minutes into the video and I was struggling to pay attention, with Rosie talking quite lots in my ear and Anthony laughing at absolutely everything. Plus Les and Sabrina having a chat about the video.
"That one with the beige cap is quite fit you know?" Rosie piped up from next to her , I would never repeat this outloud but i do agree, he was rather attractive. "What are you on? , i reckon the lad with the piano in the back is the fittest!" Sabrina countered. They continued to bicker about this for a few minutes with Les adding in his opinion. Anthony just laughing on the sideline, and i took a moment to just watch the video tuning out my friends arguments.

He was quite attractive.


I hope this was alright , i wasnt sure if it was any good.
i hope you enjoy!!

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