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after filming with the sidemen was over , Catorina could say she was relieved. The video would be released on the sunday which would give her 3 days to prepare for how she would be perceived from this video. Looking at her reflection in the elevator mirrors catorina wondered, would people see her as a bad person because of this video. She knows the amount of hate others have gotten from appearing in a video of theirs and she was worried.
The elevator doors opened before catorina could make up her mind on anything and she stumbled out of the doors. Bumping straight into the chest of someone who had been trying to enter the elevator. "fucking hell , im so sorry." Catorina heard the boy laugh and became more worried. "That's quite alright." Looking up she met the eyes of george, the boy from the elevator. "Hello again catorina." He remembered?
"Hi george." He smiled sweetly at her. "Hi cam, Hi arthur!" a boy she had yet to met spoke loudly. Catoria flicked her eyes over to the boys behind george and she felt rather awkward again. "This is catorina, i met her in the elevator last week and it was her and her roommate that were locked out the other day. Catt, this is arthur ,my roomate and cam our mate." George flicked his eyes between the three people and awkwardly moved his hands.
"Hello!" Cam let out quickly , "Hiya, lovely to meet you both." They both smiled at her before saying they had to rush off, george waved at the girl before following his friends.
Catorina took a minute to walk off but not before hearing a very interesting conversation from the males behind her. "
George talking to a woman? Impossible." Catorina laughed.


After catorina made it into the saftey of her home she was bombarded with questions, from ALL of her roomates.
"How was it" - Anthony
"Get any numbers?" - Sabrina
"Are you okay?" - Les
"How many of them were attractive?" - Rosie
"It was okay , i did not get any numbers , im okay and a few of them were good-looking." Catorina chuckled as her roomates took in her words.
She ended up sitting with them for hours on the couch, like alot recently they had been sat on the couch watching the so called 'Chaos Crew.' Catorina decided on going to her bed before going to sleep this time.
She quickly changed into her pajamas and brushed her hair and teeth before laying down on her bed, pulling her covers up past her legs.


Ive been scrolling on instagram for about a half hour when i scrolled across someone who looked incredibly familiar, tapping on the account she reccognised the name too.
So this is elevator boy, the one she sees almost once a week. And her roomates watch every couple of days. George. Making a very impulsive decision she clicked follow.
He very obviously wouldnt see it by the fact he had nearly 300k followers.
But she followed him anyways,
with a slight hope.


3 days had passed and Catorina was so incredibly tired. Her and her flatmates had been fimlimg all week and she was exhausted by this point. Never did she expect to check her phone after a 20 minute stare at her ceiling and see this notification

@Georgeclarkeey has followed you!


Hii, sorry this is a small update but its all i can manage for now. ill try to get another update out later this week and im really sorry it took so long for this update , i hope you enjoy this chapter!
lots of love ,

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