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Catroinas pov:
its been three days since i applied for a video with the sidemen and i wasnt expecting much. Until a notification from my phone woke me up...


Zerkaa 💚
Hello miss catty

Hello mr zerka

Zerkaa 💚
i see you've applied for a spot in
my group youtube channel.

I did indeed, Frey sent me the link

Zerkaa 💚
Well i think you have a good
shot, most of us liked your

well thank you for letting
me know , father.

Zerkaa 💚
you're welcome , daughter.
Ill let you know within the
hour, okay?


Catorina appreciated Josh, he was one of the first people that supprorted her and the decisions she made for her career. Him and freya always made sure she felt safe and at home, They were her parents in a sense. And Catorina would always be grateful for them both! She thought about all this before going back to sleep.

3 hours later and catorina woke up again, she hadn't intended to sleep for so long but mistakes happen. Deciding on checking her phone and finding a message from josh , like he said he had messaged within the hour.

Zerkaa 💚
- Daughter
- Cattie
- god sakes kid, wake up.
- Alright , well ive messaged to
tell you that you've got the gig.
We'll add you to a groupchat
and you'll get the details

Sorry josh! i fell asleep -
as you guessed.
Thank you so much! -

Zerkaa 💚
- You're welcome Catt,
and i apologise in advance
for anything you
might have to do in the



Holy shit. I got it. i actually got it.


Catorina ran down stairs hoping to share the good news with any of her 4 roommates! She was calling out their names but she couldnt find any of them. Until she found a note on the kitchen bench.

"We have popped to the
grocery shopbe home
soon x."

she could wait til they got home. Or she could go to the shops and meet them there . They only had one grocery shop near them. Brushing through her hair and grabbing a jacket, Pulling her shoes on at the door , and grabbing her keys and out the door she went. The elevator was on the floor so she legged it for the elevator, with a young man holding it open for her.
"thank you, so much" She said in between breaths "thats alright!" The boy smiled at her and Catt couldnt help but think he looked familiar. " Im Catorina, 11F" She extended her hand to the man. " Im goerge , 21F." He shook her hand , once again he was smiling. They were neighbours! She still couldnt shake the feeling that he looked familiar but she let it go, just as they reached the bottom floor. They both exited and went there seperate ways.

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