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wednesday 12:30pm

Just like harry had asked, Catorina showed up at the address an hour before filming properly started so she could meet them all. And how fun it had been, They were all lovely boys and she had appreciated the fact she got this opportunity  and was able to meet these boys and that she could promote her channel in a different way. One that pushes her social boundaries!


"Five minutes til show time ladies!" One of the producing team called through the door, Catorina felt the nerves settle in the bottom of her stomach, she felt the pressure now. "You're gonna have a good time Cattie, They shouldnt be too harsh. And you can say no to anything you are way to uncomfortable with."  Josh layed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She smiled, He really was like her dad.


"Alright Catorina, this is the easy bit. Just say yes or no, okay?" A woman she believed to be kristy had told her, "Thank you!" Catorina told her with a smile. This was the easiest part, she could do this. And she would be okay.


A boy with brunnete hair and green eyes was currently stood infront of her, he held his hand out to shake her own. "Hiya, im charlie and im 21."  "Hi charlie, im Catorina" She looked at his attire , Rainbow pants were a stretch. "Sorry charlie, im gonna say no. I dont like the pants." He smiled at her as he walked away and Catorina looked to the camera with regret. "This is horrible. Torture even. That poor lad." She felt incredibly guilty for the man.


"Hi im Lorenzo, im 27 and im from manchester."
" Hi Lorenzo , im gonna say yes."


"Hi im otto and im 23."
"Hi otto, im really sorry but thats my brothers name and i cant do that."


"Hi im pedro and im 27."
"Im gonna say yes."


"Hi, kris and im 23."
"Its gonna be a no."


"Hi im george and im 28."
"Ill say yes to you george."


"Hi im fernando, 27 and from birmingham."
" Hiya , ill say a yes."

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