This is Berk

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Note: Hello everyone! This chapter is only to introduce the characters, y/n, and the island. If you want to, this information is not absolutely vital though I find it really helps to get a deeper understanding of different characters and motives. If you have any suggestions and/or feedback, feel free to leave a comment! (Pls do I wanna laugh) Also, I kept this chapter under 1000 words, let me know if you like them shorter or longer, thanks! Happy reading!!

PS I also have a playlist for Httyd if you guys would like! Lmk!


This is Berk. It's three days north of hopeless and three degrees short of freezing to death. Location wise, we land directly inside the Meridian of Misery. Berk in one word? Sturdy. And it has been here for eight generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. Most would expect to see the occasional bunny rabbit, snake, bird, but us, we have dragons.

       After all these years, Berk has slowly become a leading nation amoung the other islands. Under my father's lead, we have become quite prosperous, not to mention the fact that we trained dragons for years on end before anyone else. In a way, we are idolized. Our village has evolved quite nicely in my opinion. The buildings have finally aged more than a year, as now dragons are burning them down every two and a half seconds. I wouldn't call my house a castle, but it falls under that category somewhere, I think?

When 'Perfection' is looked up in our village dictionary, Charlie's face would be the only item drawn beneath the fancy Berkian font. To be fully honest, I can easily see why everybody and their mothers either love or are in love with him. His soft, blonde hair glistens in all lighting and his curls sit perfectly, framing his face. Personally, I still think his features look a little too young for how old he feels, though that is just my opinion. His jawline is so sharp it could most definitely cut through diamond and his cheeks are a rosy pink to match his lips. Charlie got dad's crystal blue eyes and petite build, though our grandfathers height was gifted to him, as he measure around 6'3". We share a constellation of freckles spread across our nose bridge and surrounding features, which may be the only thing we share.

Charlie is my parent's pride and joy, I am a shadow that could only aspire to live up to the standards he sets. He has my grandfathers pride, my fathers courage, and my mothers gentle touch. He is tough as stone but light as a feather. It is almost as if he walks around with a subtle glow at all times. Charlie is perfection. Despite our clear differences in looks and personality, he is one of my best friends. We get along quite well and no matter what, we never talk about our family hierarchy that I am clearly at the bottom of. Berk may want to or act like they know Charlie, but they will never know him nor love him the way that I do, not even my other siblings. To the end, I know he would protect me and I know I will protect him. Now that's not to say we never fight, because oh do we ever; I am happy to announce that I rightfully win every time. Don't ask him about that though.

My other siblings are also picture perfect as well, which does not help me out in the slightest. My younger sister, Afara, shares many traits of Charlie. They look the most alike out of all of us kids, both shiny blonde hair and matching ocean eyes. Affi has more wavy hair, taking after my mother. She is usually quite quiet and content. Though she is only nine, she is already incredibly smart. My parents treasure her intelligence and her wise personality especially at such a young age. The one annoying trait about Affi is that she lacks empathy, making her intelligence come off in a know-it-all manner sometimes. She has a good heart, though is not very understanding to situations around her yet. My baby brother was born almost a year ago this week, his birthday his in just a few days. Bo has extremely curly, platinum blonde hair with hazel eyes that almost match mine, though come through a little darker. His smile could capture the hearts of millions if they were to only lay their eyes on my precious baby brother. Already, I can tell he will be the sweet heart of the family; the softy. I don't think I have ever heard a baby cry less than Bo has, and I'm sure that his massive heart will only grow with age.

My siblings are all perfection in their own ways. I wish I knew what my version was, if I have one at all. My parents seem to believe I don't have many valuable traits, meaning they most likely thank the gods that I wasn't their eldest, as I am only three-ish years younger than Charlie. My birthday was around a month ago, making me 16. Turns out getting older doesn't mean you get wiser. Or prettier. Or smarter. Or noticed by your parents. I am the only one of us kids with honey brown hair, like my dad's, though I share my mom's vibrant, piercing green eyes. I'm constantly told I hold my father's personality close, though he only comes across as stern, strict, and careful. Personally, I don't feel like I accurately represent any of those awful traits.

All of my friends parents remind me of stories about my father when he was my age. "Hiccup changed Berk forever; he made us all realize how dumb we were while single handedly converting Dragons into the symbol of Berk," which is so difficult to believe considering he has literally annexed dragons from our nation. Elders of Berk only tell me he's trying to protect me, and I try to tell myself that, but it's hard when the only thing he does is hurt me. My mother is still a stern parental figure, though she's a little more open; she at least talks about her past with Berk. Astrid is known as the fire of our village, she's tough and brave and fierce while also being a kind, soft mother to us kids. Her and I have a better relationship than my father and I, though not much better.

To the regular eye, Berk may look like nothing special though if you find the right places, befriend the right people, Berk can be wonderful. The food that grows here is tough and tasteless, the people even more so. The land, however, is breathtaking in the right places. At night, not one cloud lingers in the lit up night sky, constellations are what we use to navigate the seas, the islands, and the skies. The mountains are fierce and bold while the ocean is strong and graceful. Flowers bloom here in all sunny seasons, filling the meadows and the bare spots beneath trees. Vikings have the reputation of being emotionless and smelly, though once you get to know us, we really aren't that bad.

Httyd: The Future Of Berk - The Tale of the Dragon PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now