Chapter 2

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The school day has come to an end, and I soon remember that I can't go straight home. My phone dings, a text from my mom sending me the address to Reece's house. The Bakers must've gave it to her.

I groan and put it in my GPS.

As I make my way to his house I take a look at my surroundings.

It's a quiet, affluent neighborhood with well-manicured lawns and sparkling swimming pools. Houses line the streets, each one bigger than the last.

I take in the sights and sounds around me, feeling a sense of awe and intimidation at the same time. It's clear that the people who live here are wealthy and privileged, and I feel out of place among them. I drive on, trying to find the right address. The road twists and turns, until eventually I come across a large, sprawling mansion. The driveway is lined with luxury cars and the lawn is perfectly manicured.

As I pull into the driveway, I take a moment to compare the modest home of my family to the extravagance of the Bakers. My heart aches a little, knowing that I'll never be able to afford a place like this. I park my car and walk up to the front door, taking a moment to compose myself before ringing the bell.

The door opens and a tall, slim woman greets me with a smile. "Hi, you must be Harper," she says, gesturing for me to come in. "My name is Jennifer, Reese's mother. I've heard a lot about you, and I'm glad you're here to help my son."

As I follow Jennifer into the house, I take a moment to study her. She's dressed impeccably, with her hair styled perfectly and makeup expertly applied.

Her skin is clear and tight, and she has a youthful appearance despite her age. She exudes elegance and sophistication, and I feel a bit intimidated by her.

She looks at me with a hint of curiosity, as if sizing me up. "Reese will be down in a minute," she tells me as I follow her into the main living area. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

I politely decline, and take a seat on the couch. The room is decorated with expensive furniture and artwork, and I feel a little outta place in my casual clothes.

After a few minutes, Reece walks in, looking slightly different from how he did at school. He's simply wearing a T-shirt and joggers , and his hair is damp, as if he just got out of the shower.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The tutor has arrived."

"Reece," Jennifer says, giving him a stern look. "Be respectful. Harper is here to help you, so please be on your best behavior."

He rolls his eyes, but he doesn't say anything more. Instead, he flops down onto the couch next to me, leaving a mere inch between us. I can feel the heat radiating off his body and the faint smell of his cologne.

"So, Harper," he says, looking at me with a smirk. "What's the plan? How are you gonna make me a genius?"

I can't help but laugh at him "Do you think I'm a miracle worker?" I say, trying to keep a straight face. "I'm here to help you, but you're going to have to put in the effort as well."

He rolls his eyes and leans back into the couch. "Fine," he says. "Let's get this over with. What do you want me to do?"

I take a deep breath and begin to explain the plan to him. "We'll start with the subjects you're struggling with the most," I say. "We'll go over the concepts that you don't understand, and I'll provide you with extra practice problems to help your understanding."

He groans and rolls his eyes again, clearly unimpressed with the plan. "Fine," he says. "But let's make this quick. I have better things to do than sit here and do homework."

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