Chapter 5

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*Harper POV*

I sit there staring at the five boxes of air forces on my floor.

I had no intention of accepting them in the first place, but my little sister Charlotte came in dropping them off then questioning me about who he was and why he was getting me shoes.

I brushed her off, not wanting to get into detail about my whole situation and Reece.

He honestly got shoes for my whole family. He not only got my size but my sisters and Mom could fit into a pair. I'm not sure what to do with these.

I don't want them to waste but I also don't want to give him the satisfaction of me wearing them.

I decided to just put them in my closet for now. This will be a problem for another day.


I walk into school still wearing my ruined shoes. I've scrubbed and threw these in the washer getting most of it out but the stain is still visible.

I can't wait to tell Abby about my weekend. She has a way of making me laugh no matter what the situation is.

As I enter class, I notice a group huddled in the corner of the room.

It takes me a moment to realize that it's a group of students who are talking about what happened on the weekend.

The words "Reece" and "new girl" are mentioned frequently, along with a disapproving tone and curious looks. I try to hide my discomfort and avoid their notice, but as i sit down at my desk, i can't help feeling a bit annoyed at everyone's fascination with the situation.

And why are they calling me new girl? Do they seriously think I'm new? I been here my whole life.

Abby turns to you with a grin as soon as she sees you.

"Harper! why is everyone saying you went home with Reece?"

"Wh- what? I didn't go home with Reece! Nothing happened between us like that."

I'm a bit embarrassed and slightly irritated by these rumors that are spreading.

Why does everyone have to make such a big deal about everything?

She rolls her eyes "okay so what did happen? And why didn't you tell me you were going to a party?"

I begin to fill her in on how I ended up at the party, how Ashley spilled punch all over my shoes, and how he got me new ones after he made that negative comment about my house.

"Wow, that's... intense," she says, shaking her head. "I can't believe Reece said that. And I can't believe you're still wearing your old shoes!" She gestures to your feet, where your the stain on your shoes are still visible.

She laughs a little. "I'm sorry but if he got me five pairs of shoes, you best believe I would be using them"

I roll my eyes.

"I can't accept those shoes, I don't want to feel like I owe him anything. He could've just simply apologized"

"Well you're right," she shrugs "Reece doesn't seem like the apologetic type though"

After class I head to my locker, I have to grab my stuff for my next class.

As I'm gathering my things I hear a deep voice behind me.

"I see you're still not wearing the shoes huh?"

I whip my head around and see Reece standing there.

He looks slightly amused as he leans against the lockers.

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