Chapter 3

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When I went over to Reece's house I never expected in a million years that I'll be in his car heading to a party with him.

If this is what it takes for him to take our tutoring sessions serious so be it.

I've never been to a party before so I'm not sure what to expect but I already know I'm not going to enjoy this.

He has an Oxford white Bronco Raptor and it's pretty nice. I expected him to have something more extra though.

But who knows he prolly has 3 other cars in his garage collecting dust.

The seats are upholstered in soft, supple leather, with contrasting stitching that adds a touch of luxury. The dashboard is sleek and modern, with a large touchscreen display that controls the entertainment system and navigation. The car is immaculately clean, with no trace of dirt or clutter anywhere.

As he drives he glances over at me, his eyes scanning my appearance. "You look good, Harper," he says with a smirk. "But you'd look even better in a dress."

"And you would look better if you ever stopped talking" I mutter under my breath.

I catch a glimpse of the corner of his mouth as he cocks it to one side, a cocky grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I don't know," he teases. "I think I look pretty good right now."

I ignore him, feeling annoyed by his arrogance. I turn to the window and look out at the passing scenery, hoping that the ride will be quick and uneventful.


As we arrive, the noise of the party reaches my ears. The music is booming, competing with the laughter and chatter of dozens of people. The lights are flashing, casting everything in a bright, colorful glow.

I step out of the car and follow behind Reese as he walks through the crowd, greeting his friends and making small talk. I can tell that his friends are a little confused as to why I came with him but they don't say anything.

I feel out of my comfort zone, unsure of what to say or do. As I look around, I notice that most people at the party look like they're having a great time. They're dancing, chatting, and enjoying themselves.

While I'm scanning the area I notice Nicole and her little minions glaring at me.

Nicole has always had a grudge against me for some reason. She always made fun of the type of clothes I wear or how I never had the latest designer purse.

I never been the materialistic type. Not that I had the chance anyways. My mom can barely afford rent ever since my dad got fired from his job. He became a raging alcoholic ever since.

He's always out drinking and getting home late.
I don't know why my mom hasn't gotten a divorce. It's so obvious they aren't in love anymore.

I ignore Nicole's stare and head to grab something to drink.

I'm not interested in drinking the beer being served here so I head for the punch I see on the table.

I pour a cup and start sipping it.

I look around for Reece spotting him by the swimming pool, deep in conversation with a group of people, including some girls who seem to be finding everything he says hilarious.

Reece may be arrogant and conceited at times, but he certainly knows how to charm a crowd.

I wish I had that ability.

I take another sip of my drink and scroll around on my phone, trying to pass the time.

As time goes by I start to feel a little tired from standing.

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