Chapter 6

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"But just so we're clear, this doesn't mean we have to be friends or anything."

He grins as he shakes my hand.

"I couldn't agree more." He glances at his watch.

"We better wrap this up for today," he says, getting up from his seat. "It's almost time for football practice."

"Okay but how will we determine who gets to pick first?"

He thinks for a moment before replying, "how about we flip a coin?"

"Heads, I go first. Tails, you do," he suggests.

Before I can reply, he pulls out a coin from his pocket and flips it in the air. Catching the coin and slapping it down on his forearm. He lifts his hand to reveal the result - heads.

He grins, looking pleased with the outcome. "Looks like I go first"

"Okay fine" I say crossing my arms.

As I walk out the door, he calls after me.

"Same time next week?"

I turn back to him and nod. "Sure thing, Baker. Same time next week."


The week went by in a blur, and before I knew it, I find myself walking up to the grand baker estate once again.

I'm actually starting to get used to being here for every couple of hours once a week. I've been able to start a schedule and almost started to learn the directions to his house without my gps.

I know right look at me.

This time I'm not nervous, but a little curious on how this session will go.

As the maid shows me to the living room I notice Reece already waiting for me, slouched on a plush couch.

As I approach him he looks up from his phone.

"Hey, Harper. Looking excited as always to be here" he says with a smirk, noticing my bored expression.

"I'm always excited to help someone in need" I reply sarcastically as I sit down next to him on the couch.

"My hero" he replies putting on a fake smile.

I begin pulling out all my supplies and explain the lesson plan for today. I go over the concepts and surprisingly he is paying more attention than our last session.

He hasn't checked his phone once yet even after I heard it go off about a dozen times.

After about two hours of studying, he stands up and stretches.

"Okay enough with the books and stuff. I think it's time for something more....yeah." He says taking the books out of my hand and tossing them carelessly to the side.

"What are we gonna do?"

He grins at me "I thought we'd go on a hike today. There's a great trail near that I like to go to when I need to clear my head."

I look at him skeptically.

He notices my hesitation and adds, "Come on, it'll be fun, I promise. It's a great way to get some fresh air and exercise while enjoying the beauty of nature. Besides, I heard that being outdoors can help reduce stress and improve mood."

"What makes you think I need to reduce stress?"

He chuckles and looks at me with a teasing expression. "Have you seen yourself lately? You're always so serious and uptight. I bet a hike would do you some good." he remarks with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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