Chapter 11

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When Toni opened her eyes, they caught the sight of destruction caused by her. She knew it was her, could feel it. Just like the power, this destruction belonged to her as well. Her eyes widened, fear settling in those brown orbs, and she stumbled back. Her heart was thudding against her sternum, her blood pounding in her ears.

She caused this, she destroyed everything!

Her breathing became ragged, coming out as pants. She could hear it, a voice calling her name, even shouting. But she couldn't look up, couldn't look away. Everything was becoming blur. It was becoming too much. Her head was clouding, with pain, with fear, with power. Power that she just had control over! So why did it feel like she was being controlled? Why did it feel like she was the one who surrendered?

Someone, or at least something else controlled her, and the thought alone made her feel horrified. She reduced a whole house in splinters and would have killed each and everyone of them! She could have killed Vision. She could have killed Stephen. A sudden sting of stab pierced her heart at the thought. Her eyes roamed around. There were no walls, right? So why did she feel as if her space was reducing? Why wasn't there enough air? Why was her chest paining? Breathing. She had to breathe. But she couldn't. Why?

Toni gasped, her mind again and again showing her the power, the demolition. The thought of everyone laying dead, but this time, it was because of her! A shout was heard, and Toni tried to find the source, but her sight was becoming blur. Oh no, not again! Breathe! She reminded herself, but why was her mind not listening to her?



Stephen's attention returned from the crown to his soul mate in just few moments, and that was when his heart leaped out of his chest.

Toni stood there, her eyes wide with fear and Stephen noticed, with a pained gasp that she was having a panic attack. He was a doctor, he knew the symptoms, knew the ticks, and most importantly, knew her. He tried to stand up, despite his body groaning in pain, he got to his feet. Not even noticing how everyone else were blacked out.

Stephen had to suppress his surprise at the power she eliminated, but instead concentrated on her instead. He called her name, shouted even, but couldn't get a response. He approached her, carefully, in a cautious manner.

"Toni," He spoke, his voice higher than he actually intended it to be, but he still didn't get a response. Instead, he saw how her hand was clutching her chest, how her eyes were frantic, how sweat was covering her face, and Stephen felt his heart clench at the scene.

Toni felt a hand moving to hold her own, and without thinking, she tried to jerk it off. She was dangerous, she knew that. She would hurt this person as well. She couldn't do it, she won't carry the guilt of hurting someone innocent.

But the person remained adamant. Instead, the hold on her hand tightened, while the other held her upper arm in place. She tried to move away, tried to ignore the voice in her head.

"Hear me out Toni, you are safe. Everyone is safe.... Me... Can.... Toni.... We are safe." The voice zoned in and out, why were the sentences incomplete?

Toni tried to concentrate. "Take .... Breathe... count 1, 2. 3....6....9.... come one! Once again, 1.2....5. 6. 7."

"8. 9..." Toni mumbled out, her breathing calming down, her heart-beat lowering. The anxiety disappearing. That was when she felt the scars, in her right hand. Scars that she recognized. She already felt those, not really long ago. In fact, today only. She remembered those scars. They belonged to Stephen.

Stephen was there, Stephen was there with her. The thought calmed her much more than it should. Her eyes tried to focus, looking ahead, and that was when her eyes met those blue-green eyes. Toni tilted her head aside, confusion flittering on her face. His eyes were grey-green, the last time she saw. Why did they change color? Was it his magic?

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