Chapter 22

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Sorry everyone, for making you all wait for too long. The week was busy as hell, but yeah, here we are, reaching the end real quick now. I can't believe it, just three more chapters!!!!

It really is exciting, isn't it?

Well, here is the next chapter guys. Happy reading!


"But it is just a meeting!" Toni heard Harley whine, something he would surely deny. Instead, she did Amy's hair, putting it in two ponytails, as the young girl sat there with a picture story book in her hands.

"It doesn't matter, you and Pete are kids, and you will be staying here with Amy." Toni pressed a kiss on the girl's head, smiling as the girl beamed up at her. She was turning twelve in a few months and had started going to school. Vision had taken responsibility for dropping her and picking her up. Today, it was Happy who would be going to do the duty, considering Vision will be with them for the meeting.

"It is important!" Harley tried to argue.

"So is your school," she told him instead. Aware that Harley's mum would kill her if she involved the kid in these meetings. Peter remained at the sideline, eating his breakfast quietly. It was strangely domestic.

Harley stared at her; his expression incredulous. "FRIDAY, will tell me all about it, won't you Fri?" he asked, looking up at the ceiling, hoping against hope that she would.

"Of course, little Boss." She told him, and he finally smiled, giving Toni a point look. Rolling her eyes, she made Amy stand.

"Come on, kids, time to leave." That got everyone into moving, as they stood up. Happy entered the kitchen, a sandwich in his hand.

"Go on, Toni, I will take care of them."

Toni nodded, placing a kiss on each of their heads. Amy giggled, Harley rolled his eyes, swatting her hand away when she ruffled his head, and Peter, the sweet little kid just blushed, beaming back at her.

Happiness bloomed in her heart, as they left saying their goodbyes, and all she could think was that they were her kids. Yes, they had their parents, yes, they had their guardians. But they were still Toni's. And Toni would die, before letting anything happen to them.


Toni entered the meetings room, catching sight of Stephen who was busy chatting with Wong. She couldn't help but smile, as she remembered how the Masters had finally decided to leave their secrecy behind. While the locations were still not exposed, it was clear that there were sorcerers that resided in Nepal.

"Gandalf, Wong." She nodded, slipping beside Stephen, who raised a brow at her.

"Why is he spared from your nicknames?" Her soul mate asked, and Toni gave him a sweet smile.

"I am not stupid enough to piss Wong." She told him, and Stephen sighed in annoyance, not even glancing at the smug expression on his face. "And his name is already cool enough." She hi-fived the Asian man, who, even though looked resigned, gave her what she asked.

"I feel attacked sitting between you two." Stephen merely said but made no move to get up. Toni grinned, before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Leave the romance for your room, Toni." Rhodey told her from her right, and Toni, being mature she was, poked her tongue at him.

Silence descended around them, as the doors opened again, this time revealing the guardians.

When everyone was seated, calls were made and withing a few moments, the accords council, along with the Wakanda's king were present via holograms. With a sigh and a quick prayer for patience. Toni began the meeting.

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