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"What is it?" Lando asked cautiously, not liking the sound of Oscar's voice at all.

There was no response from Oscar. Instead, he just pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was a little bit of a struggle, but Oscar eventually had his phone unlocked and the picture loaded up. Silently, Oscar turned the screen so Lando could see what was on it. The silence continued, to the point it became extremely uncomfortable. Lando was just staring at the phone screen, having taken the phone out of Oscar's hands, not saying a word. Displaying zero emotions whatsoever. This made it a thousand times worse for Oscar because he couldn't tell what Lando was feeling. It threw him off massively as Lando usually wore his heart on his sleeve. But not on this one occasion where Oscar really wanted to know what Lando was feeling. The sound of the clock ticking was the only thing that could be heard in the otherwise completely silent room. After far too long, from Oscar's perspective, Lando broke the silence.

"I'm so sorry mate."

"What?" Oscar was confused. He was the one who should be sorry. It was Carlos who was kissing someone else in the picture. It was Carlos who was kissing a girl. Why would Lando be sorry for Oscar?

Shuffling around on the bed, Lando moved closer to Oscar. Closer to the point that they were completely pressed into each other's sides. It wasn't uncomfortable per say. Just unexpected, especially considering the contents of the picture. Lando must've sensed that Oscar was confused because he elected to expand.

"I need physical contact, you need a hug. I don't see the issue with this. Unless it's making you uncomfortable of course."

Oscar shook his head. It wasn't making him feel uncomfortable, he just thought that Lando would've wanted some space. Carlos had cheated on him and by the looks of what Oscar saw, had been cheating on Lando for a while. The room was filled with the breathing of the team mates. Lando had moved his head so it was laying on Oscar's chest.

"I still am sorry Oscar."

"What for, you haven't done anything."

"But Carlos has."


"Isn't that Lily?" Lando pointed at the girl in the picture. Her back was facing away from the camera so you couldn't really see her face. Oscar hadn't really paid much attention to who Carlos was kissing, just to the fact that Carlos was kissing someone other than Lando. So, now Oscar did go and examine the girl properly. He pinched and zoomed in on her. It was Lily.

"Yeah, that's Lily," Oscar replied in a resigned tone of voice.

Lando's head thumped back onto Oscar's chest from where he had lifted it up to allow Oscar to see the picture.

"So my boyfriend cheated on me with your girlfriend." Lando summed up the events that had happened that day. Nodding, Oscar took his phone back off Lando.

"I'm gonna break up with her."

"Hmmm, yeah I'm gonna break up with Carlos as well."



So together, Lando and Oscar phoned up Carlos and Lily. All they did was tell them that they were breaking up and then hung up. Neither of them could be bothered to give an explanation. Besides, they didn't deserve one either. Then it was done. They were both single. Single after being cheated on. Both of them decided to turn their phones off, none of them particularly feeling like being disturbed.

"Wanna go out to a club or something?" Lando asked suddenly.

"Why not, I could do with a drink," Oscar agreed. He trusted Lando enough to know that they would be going somewhere discreet, so they hopefully wouldn't be recognised. Or at least to a place where there were lots of other celebs so that they would fly under the radar.

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