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As soon as they disappeared into the main part of the airport, Lando started to squeal, much to the amusement of Oscar. He was basically jumping up and down like a little kid. Almost as if this was the first time that he was going on a trip without his parents.

“Are you not excited Osc, we're FREEEEEEEE!”

“Lando it's two o'clock in the morning, it's far too early for this,” Oscar grumbled. “I don't even know how you're this awake.” In his sleep deprived state, Oscar had completely missed that Lando had called him a nickname.

“But Oscuhhhhhhh, we're going on holiday.”

Oscar just shook his head with an amused smile on his face.

Lando had skipped ahead of Oscar by this point and was now walking backwards so he could still keep looking at Oscar. This meant that he nearly walked into a number of things, only being stopped by Oscar's quick reflexes of tugging on his sleeve. After the fifth near miss, Lando decided it was better off he was walking facing forwards, so he turned around again. Oscar quickened his pace ever so slightly so he caught up to Lando.

They then walked side by side as they wandered through the airport. Both of them pointed out various things in the shops as they passed them. There was the odd person who recognised them and asked for a picture, which Lando and Oscar were perfectly happy to oblige with, but other than that, they were left alone as if they were just ordinary people.

“Want to get a hot chocolate?” Oscar asked as they passed an open cafe.

“Oh yes! We can get some cake as well or something. Fuck the meal plans!” Lando replied enthusiastically, already dragging Oscar in the direction of the cafe.

Grinning, Oscar allowed himself to be dragged along. They walked inside before spending an age deciding what cake they would get. Like Lando said before, fuck the meal plans, it was winter break. Eventually they decided to get one slice each and share because neither of them could  decide between two flavours.

“Erm, could we have two luxury hot chocolates please and two slices of cake?” Oscar asked the person at the counter. He pointed to the slices of cake that he wanted.

“Certainly.” The person at the counter then told Oscar the price, which he paid before Oscar then went to join Lando where he had sat down at a table.

“I can't believe we're having cake at this time in the morning,” Lando giggled.

“Not just cake, but this much sugar as well,” Oscar added, also giggling slightly.

“Well we need something to keep us awake since someone decided that I'm not allowed caffeine.”

“I'll have you know, that it wasn't my decision. Besides, it's not even that good anyway.”

“Then why do you drink it?”

It was a good point that Lando made, which Oscar did not have an immediate answer to. Thankfully the waiter came over with their order so there was a slight pause in conversation. This allowed Oscar to mull over Lando's question and come up with a response.

“Well?” Lando prompted once the waiter had left.

“To keep me alive,” Oscar responded, being completely serious. “Like without the caffeine I don't think I'd survive all the media and pr stuff we have to do.”

Lando pondered over what Oscar said as he ate a forkful of cake. It was a very nice piece of cake, Lando thought. And Oscar currently wasn't eating anything so Lando gathered up another forkful of cake before waving it in the direction of Oscar's mouth.

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