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For Lando the next two weeks couldn't pass quickly enough. Every time either he or Oscar had a spare second, they were looking at motor homes or figuring out a list of what clothes and other items to pack. That involved scouring the Internet for ideas and suggestions.

It was then a common sight in the last two races for Lando and Oscar to be huddled together looking at one of their phones. They gained a lot of strange looks from the other drivers as they were trying to figure out what the two were plotting. It soon became a game between Charles, Alex, George, Max, Logan and Daniel to try and find out what the two Mclaren drivers were conspiring.

“Hmmm, I think we need that,” Lando said, prodding once again at Oscar's phone screen. They stood in a corner of the paddock in Abu Dhabi, talking and ordering stuff. It was all getting delivered to Lando's parents house as they would be in to receive the package and Lando hoped that they wouldn't mind all the packages.

“I agree, would be useful to keep warm,” Oscar agreed.

“You gonna take any skirts?”

“Yeah I have a few that'll go with some warm clothes.”

“Hey guys, watcha doing!” Charles exclaimed, coming upon the two guys suddenly. He wasn't alone either as Max had come with him, who had tried to take a peek at Oscar's phone. Ultimately he failed in doing that as Oscar had very quick reflexes to turn his phone screen off.

This ended up happening several times over the course of the weekend, but with different drivers. By the second or third time, Oscar had figured out what they were trying to do. So, with a grin on his face he told Lando and also told Lando of his idea. A grin also appeared on Lando's face as well. So every time that one of the drivers started to approach, they changed what was on the phone to something mildly embarrassing of one of the drivers. They got a lot of laughs out of it as each of the drivers blushed as they caught sight of what was on the phone. Well, it was fun whilst it lasted.

Finally, the weekend was over with Oscar and Lando securing a double podium. What a way to finish the season. As soon as the two of them were no longer needed by the team they were off to the airport, not even bothering to stay until the next morning. No, they wanted to be off on their road trip as soon as possible.

The two of them said goodbye to everyone bar Carlos, for obvious reasons, saying that they had a very early flight by way of an excuse not to go clubbing with them. Not that Oscar would've done anyway, he wasn't really that kind of person. Which was a good thing for Lando because the amount of times that he'd had to call Oscar to pick him up over the course of the season, when he was drunk was unbelievable, especially after Silverstone. Normally, he would've phoned Carlos but Carlos had stopped picking up, so Lando resorted to calling Oscar instead, stopping calling Carlos to pick him up altogether after the fourth or fifth time. Oscar ended up being his go to person to pick him up from whatever bar or club he had ended up in. Sometimes a couple of the others would also be picked up by Oscar at the same time, with Oscar dropping them all off at their hotel, making sure that they got back safely. Lando was sure that Oscar didn't mind, or at least he hadn't said anything if he did.

Most of the drivers were highly suspicious as to why the Mclaren drivers were heading off extremely early, but they didn’t voice anything to them as they rolled out of the hotel, suitcases in hand. Max just raised an eyebrow as he watched them both scramble into a taxi, hoping that Lando was not tainting Oscar. If he was then Max would be having words with him as he had grown rather fond of the young Aussie over the course of the season. Lando waved back at Max, having first of all warned him that there would be no promises of replying to any messages over the winter break.

The journey to the airport was pretty quiet as the two of them were extremely tired from the race. However, they were still buzzing from the high of being on the podium together. The adrenaline was still very much prevalent in their systems, so it was difficult for them to even try to get to sleep despite them very much wanting to.

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