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Lando and Oscar ended up with eight bags of shopping which equated to two bags per hand. Plus they still had the fairy lights to carry as well. Which meant that all hands were full and Lando couldn't hold Oscar's hand like he wanted to. Oh the sacrifices that he had to make.

Once they had loaded up with the bags, they slowly made their way out of the store. Oscar just hoped that one of them could actually remember their way back to the motorhome or else they'd be screwed.

Making up for not being able to hold Oscar's hand, Lando instead walked as close to the side of Oscar as he physically could. At least without them tripping over each other.

They successfully managed to navigate the streets between them and their motorhome. As well as successfully managing to navigate their way back. There were a few near misses with Lando very close to dropping one of the bags a couple of times, but everything was still intact by the time Oscar managed to get the door open.

One by one, Lando passed Oscar the bags of food that he had to put down in order to put the key in the lock and open the door. Then Lando stepped in himself before closing the door, shutting all the cold air back outside. He peeled the gloves off of his hands, blowing on them to try and get the blood flowing back through them again.

Before Oscar could start to unpack the shopping, Lando also did the same to him. He carefully took one of Oscar's hands in his own, pulling the glove off from the tip of the middle finger. Next he chucks the glove to one side, lifting Oscar's hand up towards his face. Lightly, he blew warm air onto Oscar's hand, warming it up. Oscar just stood there, frozen to the spot, eyes running up and down Lando's body. Gently, Lando dropped Oscar's hand back down by his side, before repeating the same process with Oscar's other hand. Placing a kiss onto that hand, he once again let it drop gently down by Oscar's side. It was only when Lando moved away from Oscar that Oscar could finally breathe again.

It took a few more moments for Oscar to come round after whatever the fuck just happened and by that point, Lando was already sorting through the shopping.

“Do we even have enough space for all this?” Lando asked as he lodged another tin into the cupboard.

“Erm, possibly?” Oscar responded as he leaned over the top of Lando to properly peer into the cupboards. “Yeah absolutely not.”

“This is great then.”

“It's fine, we can just store the rest of it under the chairs. I'm sure it'll be fine.”

“Well it's your fault if they get squashed.”

“I shall happily take the responsibility, because they won't.”

“Okay then.”



They stood nodding to each other semi seriously for a few moments before Lando then Oscar broke down into peels of laughter. Both of them tried to stay serious. They truly did. Promise. But at the end of the day, neither of them could stay serious for very long. Not when they were together.

The rest of the tins and food items that they couldn't fit into the cupboards got slid underneath one of the chairs in the motorhome. Then that was the shopping put away, ready for when they properly hit the road.

Reaching under the couch, Oscar then pulled out the fairy lights that they had just got. In the midst of them putting away the food, one of them must've kicked it under the couch.

Oscar raised an eyebrow and Lando smiled in response. Quickly, Oscar undid the packing to reveal the lights in their turned off glory. Lando snatched them up impatiently, not wanting another second to get them up. Oscar just laughed as he watched Lando very quickly get tangled up in the string of lights, as he attempted to put them up, and fall over onto the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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